Home Australia Nat Barr loses it at NSW Police boss Karen Webb in a trainwreck interview. What the top cop said will make you question her leadership: ‘Haters’

Nat Barr loses it at NSW Police boss Karen Webb in a trainwreck interview. What the top cop said will make you question her leadership: ‘Haters’

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Sunrise presenter Nat Barr confronted Karen Webb following the murder of a gay couple in Sydney.



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Sunrise presenter Nat Barr clashed with NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb after an officer allegedly shot her ex-boyfriend and his new partner with his service weapon.

Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, 28, is behind bars after being accused of murdering his ex-partner, former Ten reporter Jesse Baird, 26, and the man’s new boyfriend, Luke Davies, 29, in Sydney on February 19.

Investigators allege Lamarre-Condon’s crimes followed a months-long campaign of “predatory behavior” that culminated in the fatal double shooting.

Webb was confronted by Barr and her co-host Matt Shirvington about her lack of leadership.

Sunrise presenter Nat Barr confronted Karen Webb following the murder of a gay couple in Sydney.

Sunrise presenter Nat Barr confronted Karen Webb following the murder of a gay couple in Sydney.

‘He has been criticized for his lack of public presence regarding this matter. I only heard from you three days after the fact,” Shirvington said. ‘Why was that the case?’

Webb responded: ‘It was very much a live investigation. The officer turned himself in on Friday. He was not charged and appeared in court in the afternoon. I got up yesterday. I issued a statement on Sunday.

‘I’ve been in other things, I have a large organization and a budget of 5 billion dollars that manages 22,000 people.

‘The good thing about being a commissioner and leader is having great people around you. I have a great executive. I have a great team. And everyone has a role to play. I let them do their job and they do it well.’

But Barr was not impressed by his response.

‘Commissioner, it’s about leading. You mentioned that you are the leader. And no matter how busy you are, you have a police officer supposedly involved in this. Do you have three days to talk about a crime that has affected this nation, particularly this city? Come on.

Webb responded.

“It is still a live investigation, it is very complex.”

But Barr continued to criticize Webb.

‘You don’t have to get into conflict with anyone. Standing there and talking and being human, do you want it to be a mistake not to do it?

Webb responded: ‘What I did on Sunday was talk to Jesse’s family. What I did yesterday was talk to Luke’s family.

‘I want you to know that we are doing everything we can to find Jesse and Luke.

They then asked him if he deserved the criticism.

‘There will always be enemies. Haters like to hate. Isn’t that what Taylor says? I have a job to do. It’s a great job. This is just one of many. In fact, we had seven murders last week.

«However, this is, of course, a complex matter. All we have to do now is find Jesse and Luke.

More to come

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