Home Sports Liverpool’s attacking misery against their top six rivals is laid bare by astonishing stats – and it could cost them the Premier League title when compared to Arsenal and Man City

Liverpool’s attacking misery against their top six rivals is laid bare by astonishing stats – and it could cost them the Premier League title when compared to Arsenal and Man City

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Liverpool failed to capitalize on their chances against Manchester United for the second time in the Premier League this season, as Sunday's 2-2 draw followed a goalless clash at Anfield.

If Liverpool miss out on the Premier League title this season, then it could be attributed to their misery in front of goal against their top six rivals.

The Reds took 28 shots on goal at Manchester United on Sunday, the most the Red Devils have faced at Old Trafford in history, having previously taken 34 attempts when the two teams played at Anfield in December.

However, despite having a massive 62 chances across the two matches, they only scored two goals, as Sunday’s 2-2 draw followed their goalless clash at Anfield.

However, it is not just Manchester United that has failed them in front of goal, as in the eight games they have played against teams currently in the top six, they have taken 141 shots and scored just 12 goals.

In those eight games they have picked up eight points, compared to Man City, who have 13 in nine games against top-six opponents, and Arsenal, 12 in seven. It’s those games that could cost Jurgen Klopp his swan song title.

Liverpool failed to capitalize on their chances against Manchester United for the second time in the Premier League this season, as Sunday's 2-2 draw followed a goalless clash at Anfield.

Liverpool failed to capitalize on their chances against Manchester United for the second time in the Premier League this season, as Sunday’s 2-2 draw followed a goalless clash at Anfield.

Jurgen Klopp's team is taking more shots than Manchester City or Arsenal when it comes to games against the top six teams, but scoring fewer goals.

Jurgen Klopp's team is taking more shots than Manchester City or Arsenal when it comes to games against the top six teams, but scoring fewer goals.

Jurgen Klopp’s team is taking more shots than Manchester City or Arsenal when it comes to games against the top six teams, but scoring fewer goals.

Liverpool have had 62 chances against Man United alone this season, and have only scored twice in the two league games.

Liverpool have had 62 chances against Man United alone this season, and have only scored twice in the two league games.

Liverpool have had 62 chances against Man United alone this season, and have only scored twice in the two league games.

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On Sunday, players such as Mohamed Salah, Darwin Núñez, Luis Díaz and Dominik Szoboszlai missed opportunities that could have kept the Reds at the top of the table, instead of behind Arsenal on goal difference.

The title contenders face the top six

Arsenal: 1.4 goals per game with 12.6 shots

Liverpool: 1.25 goals in 17.6 shots

Man City: 1.7 goals on 14.9 shots

*Opta Statistics

Klopp refused to criticize his team’s attackers, insisting they were the reason they have 71 points this season.

However, a more severe judgment could argue that it is the same players who explain why the Reds only have 71 points and no more.

Their two games against Manchester United should have seen them pick up four extra points as they turned two draws into wins, while they also failed to convert their chances in the 1-1 draw against Manchester City last month.

Against City, the Reds made 19 attempts on goal compared to City’s 10, and a win against the reigning champions would have been a big step towards Klopp’s second title as Liverpool manager.

Liverpool’s attack has been up to par when it comes to playing teams outside the top six, averaging 2.7 goals per game, while averaging 21.2 shots.

However, there is a significant drop when it comes to matches against top-six opposition.

Their average of 17.6 shots per game is still impressive, but in those eight games they are only scoring at a rate of 1.25.

Players like Mohamed Salah, Darwin Núñez and Luis Díaz (pictured) have squandered big opportunities against top-six teams.

Players like Mohamed Salah, Darwin Núñez and Luis Díaz (pictured) have squandered big opportunities against top-six teams.

Players like Mohamed Salah, Darwin Núñez and Luis Díaz (pictured) have squandered big opportunities against top-six teams.

Liverpool have drawn at home against both Manchester clubs and Arsenal this season.

Liverpool have drawn at home against both Manchester clubs and Arsenal this season.

Liverpool have drawn at home against both Manchester clubs and Arsenal this season.

That compares to Arsenal and Manchester City, who have a lower shot rate against the top six teams, but have a superior goal advantage.

Top six table

Man City – 13 points in nine games

Arsenal – 12 points from seven games

Tottenham – 12 points in seven games

Man United – 9 points from nine games

Liverpool – 8 points from eight games

Aston Villa – 6 points from eight games

Both teams are scoring 1.7 goals per game against the top six teams, with Arsenal having a lower shot average at 12.6 compared to City’s 14.9.

Despite their impressive goal rate against teams not in the top six, there are still arguments that they could be better.

The Reds are scoring 2.7 goals with 21.1 shots, compared to Arsenal’s 2.7 with 17.9 and City’s 2.5 with 19.3.

Throughout the entire season, Klopp’s team led the Premier League in terms of total shots with a total of 629, compared to Man City’s 559 and Arsenal’s 517.

Liverpool also have more missed “big chances” than any team with 62, although they are just ahead of City with 60, although Arsenal are ninth in this ranking with 47.

No team has hit the post more than Liverpool’s 20, and Núñez has done so nine times this season, more than twice as many as the next highest scoring player.

Nunez also leads the league in terms of shots this season with 100, three more than Manchester City’s Erling Haaland. Mohamed Salah is third with 91 shots and Luis Díaz is tenth with 80.

Arsenal is the one that scores the most goals despite averaging fewer shots than its rivals

Arsenal is the one that scores the most goals despite averaging fewer shots than its rivals

Arsenal is the one that scores the most goals despite averaging fewer shots than its rivals

Man City have the lowest drop in terms of goals against the top six teams compared to games against the rest of the Premier League.

Man City have the lowest drop in terms of goals against the top six teams compared to games against the rest of the Premier League.

Man City have the lowest drop in terms of goals against the top six teams compared to games against the rest of the Premier League.

The misery of Liverpool’s top six

vs Manchester United – 62 shots, two goals

vs Manchester City – 27 shots, two goals

vs Arsenal – 23 shots, two goals

vs Aston Villa – 17 shots, three goals

vs Tottenham – 12 shots, one goal

*We still have to play against Aston Villa and Tottenham once again this season.

With seven games remaining, Arsenal are ahead of Liverpool on goal difference with their +51, nine ahead of the Reds’ +42, while Manchester City are one point behind in third place.

Perhaps most worrying for the Reds is that they still have two games left against teams in the top six.

However, these come from Aston Villa, where they took advantage of their opportunities in September, and Tottenham, where they were unlucky to be left without a point after Diaz’s controversial disallowed goal.

Meanwhile, it has also been revealed that despite scoring 72 goals this season, the Reds have a conversion rate of 8.3 per cent, putting them in the bottom half for chances converted in the league.

Ranking above them are Sheffield United, with a conversion rate of 8.4%, and Luton, with a conversion rate of 8.9%.

Liverpool’s title rivals Arsenal and Man City sit above them, with the Gunners boasting the third-best conversion rate in the league at 11.2%. This is behind Newcastle and Aston Villa.

Man City’s conversion rate is 10.2%, still much higher than Liverpool’s as the end of the season approaches.

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