Home US Kamala Harris takes a big lead over Trump in these four key states

Kamala Harris takes a big lead over Trump in these four key states

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Vice President Kamala Harris on July 30

Vice President Kamala Harris has taken a commanding lead in the presidential race against former President Donald Trump in four key states.

There’s been a major shift since President Joe Biden was still in the race and Trump held a lead in key states, according to the latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll.

Overall, the race is close, with the poll showing Harris with 48 percent to Trump’s 47 percent in seven key states. That reverses the two-point lead Trump had in key states before Biden dropped out of the race.

But Harris is now ahead in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Donald Trump on July 27

Kamala Harris has ended Donald Trump’s lead in key states since President Biden dropped out of the race, according to a new poll

Polls show Harris holding a massive 11-point lead over Trump in the crucial state of Michigan. She also has two-point leads in Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin.

The race between Harris and Trump is now tied in Georgia. On Tuesday, the vice president received a roaring welcome when more than 10,000 people turned out for her first rally as a presumptive presidential candidate in Atlanta.

The poll shows Trump with a two-point lead in North Carolina, a state he won in 2020, as well as a four-point lead in Pennsylvania.

Harris appears to be getting a boost in battleground states thanks to a surge in enthusiasm for the presidential race among voters.

More than a third of voters in the seven key states said they would be more likely to vote in a race between Harris and Trump.

49 percent of Black voters said they are much more likely to vote, 40 percent of Gen Z voters said they are more likely to vote, and 44 percent of Hispanic voters said they are more likely to vote in November.

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Vice President Kamala Harris arrives at her rally in Atlanta on July 30. New poll shows race tied in Georgia

Vice President Kamala Harris arrives at her rally in Atlanta on July 30. New poll shows race tied in Georgia

On the issues, the poll found that Harris also does not have the same background as the former president.

When asked who they trust more to handle the economy, Trump continues to lead on that issue.

But in a race between Harris and Trump, 42 percent trust Harris more than Trump’s 50 percent. When Biden was still campaigning, only 37 percent trusted him more to handle the economy, while 51 percent trusted Trump more.

The issue that could give Trump an edge in the race in key states is immigration.

The poll found that 40 percent of respondents said the vice president had a somewhat or very negative impact on policy while serving in the Biden administration.

Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on July 27. The former president is returning to Georgia for a rally on Saturday at the same venue where Harris held her rally on Tuesday.

Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on July 27. The former president is returning to Georgia for a rally on Saturday at the same venue where Harris held her rally on Tuesday.

The announcement comes after the Trump campaign launched its first border-focused attack on Harris this week. However, Harris’ campaign responded with a video of its own.

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