Home Sports Joe Buck fractures wife’s ankle with golf drive in ‘freak accident’

Joe Buck fractures wife’s ankle with golf drive in ‘freak accident’

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Joe Buck and his wife Michelle Beisner pose on the red carpet at the Texas Medal of Arts Awards on Wednesday, Feb. 25, at the Long Center in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Suzanne Cordeiro/Corbis via Getty Images)

Joe Buck and Michelle Beisner-Buck had a golf match that went very wrong in Mexico. (Photo by Suzanne Cordeiro/Corbis via Getty Images)

A bizarre series of events led to ESPN reporter Michelle Beisner-Buck undergoing surgery Wednesday to repair a damaged nerve in her broken ankle, courtesy of a golf ball hit by her husband Joe Buck.

The “Monday Night Football” announcer This was reported by colleague Adam Schefter “accidentally hitting a golf ball” into his wife’s ankle. Details came in An incredible video posted by Buck himself.recorded while Beisner-Buck was being dropped off at the office.

Buck explained that the incident occurred on July 7 in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where the couple decided to play a round of golf before Buck competed in the American Century Championship celebrity golf tournament.

We’ll let Buck deal with the “totally freak accident” that occurred on the 10th hole:

“We got to the 10th hole and I said, ‘Why don’t I hit a couple of drives off the 10th hole and then we’ll go get something to eat?’ Well, the 10th hole is a little left-to-right hole and Michelle is known for doing handstands throughout our courtship and marriage, even before (her son) Joey came on the scene. So she did a handstand at the end of the tee box for good luck, out to my left.

“At the exact moment I was kicking off, she decided, with her feet in the air, to do a split, dropping her right leg a little to the side, right in my line of fire. I hit a TaylorMade golf ball, with little patterns on it, into the inside of her right ankle and shattered it.”

This may all sound ridiculous, but let he who has not done a split hand near the front of a tee box cast the first stone.

Unfortunately for Beisner-Buck, the damage was severe. She said that not only was her ankle “broken,” but her tibial nerve, a key nerve that connects to the foot, was “severely” damaged. Reportedly, nothing could be done to repair the nerve during the six weeks she was in the hard cast, and nerve blocks and lidocaine infusions have not worked.

He was therefore given surgery to decompress the nerve. The incident apparently left Buck shaken as well, while his wife insisted it was not his fault:

“Needless to say, I feel very guilty. I still wake up in the middle of the night hearing that sound and it makes me nauseous. It was a horrible sound.”

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