Home Australia Jesse Baird, Luke Davies alleged double murder: Police officer identified as the acquaintance who allegedly let Beau Lamarre-Condon borrow a hose to clean rented van

Jesse Baird, Luke Davies alleged double murder: Police officer identified as the acquaintance who allegedly let Beau Lamarre-Condon borrow a hose to clean rented van

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NSW Police Officer Beau Lamarre-Condon (pictured) has been charged with the murder of Channel Ten presenter Jesse Baird and her flight attendant boyfriend Luke Davies.

One of the acquaintances who unknowingly helped NSW police officer Beau Lamarre-Condon after he allegedly murdered two men is a fellow police officer.

Lamarre-Condon has been charged with the murder of Channel Ten presenter Jesse Baird and her Qantas flight attendant boyfriend Luke Davies at a house in Paddington, in Sydney’s east.

Police are desperately trying to find out what happened to Baird and Davies, who were last seen a week ago; the search included sites at Cronulla, Newcastle and multiple dams in the Southern Tablelands.

One of the alleged crime scenes, established on Saturday, is at a residential property on Karoola Road in the Newcastle suburb of Lambton.

Daily Mail Australia on Monday afternoon visited the location where a vehicle belonging to an acquaintance of Lamarre-Condon was found covered in fingerprint powder after being examined by forensic specialists.

That acquaintance was identified by 7News on Monday night as fellow police officer Renee Fortuna.

NSW Police Officer Beau Lamarre-Condon (pictured) has been charged with the murder of Channel Ten presenter Jesse Baird and her flight attendant boyfriend Luke Davies.

NSW Police Officer Beau Lamarre-Condon (pictured) has been charged with the murder of Channel Ten presenter Jesse Baird and her flight attendant boyfriend Luke Davies.

Fellow police officer Renee Fortuna (pictured) has been identified as the person who allowed Lamarre-Condon to lend her his hose to clean his rental van. There is no indication that Ms. Fortuna knew what Lamarre-Condon had allegedly done or was involved in any criminal act.

Fellow police officer Renee Fortuna (pictured) has been identified as the person who allowed Lamarre-Condon to lend her his hose to clean his rental van. There is no indication that Ms. Fortuna knew what Lamarre-Condon had allegedly done or was involved in any criminal act.

Fellow police officer Renee Fortuna (pictured) has been identified as the person who allowed Lamarre-Condon to lend her his hose to clean his rental van. There is no indication that Ms. Fortuna knew what Lamarre-Condon had allegedly done or was involved in any criminal act.

Police alleged that another vehicle, a white van, was used to transport and dispose of the bodies of Baird and Davies. Lamarre-Condon is not believed to be assisting officers in the search for the two men’s remains.

A neighbor said Fortuna had not returned home after the police raid, and had even left behind his vehicle covered in fingerprints.

Police alleged at a news conference on Monday that Fortuna had lent Lamarre-Condon his hose to clean the interior of his Toyota HiAce van, which he had rented at Sydney Airport.

There is no indication that Ms. Fortuna knew what Lamarre-Condon had allegedly done or was involved in any criminal act.

Former homicide detective Charlie Bezzina said fingerprint powder in the car would have been used to find fingerprints of the suspect or the deceased.

Police allege the 28-year-old senior constable was in Newcastle on Thursday night, where cleaned the van before being handed over on Friday in Bondi p.police station.

Police are desperately trying to find out what happened to Baird (left) and Davies (right), who were last seen a week ago.

Police are desperately trying to find out what happened to Baird (left) and Davies (right), who were last seen a week ago.

Police are desperately trying to find out what happened to Baird (left) and Davies (right), who were last seen a week ago.

“We can indicate that the accused remained in the Newcastle area until approximately 5am and returned to the city at around 6.15am on Friday,” Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson said.

Police allege Lamarre-Condon left Sydney on Wednesday in the rented HiAce van and stopped in Goulburn to buy an angle grinder, a lock and weights.

He has been charged with two counts of murder and remains in protective custody after being denied bail, as investigators continue to piece together how the two men were allegedly murdered.

New South Wales Police continued the search on Monday for the remains of Baird and Davies, deploying divers and focusing on the Bungonia Dams, near Goulburn.

‘As part of the ongoing investigation… the police have established [an alleged] crime scene on Hazelton Road in Bungonia, Southern Tablelands,” New South Wales Police said in a statement.

One of the alleged crime scenes, established on Saturday, is located at a residential property on Karoola Road in the Newcastle suburb of Lambton. Daily Mail Australia on Monday visited the scene where a vehicle belonging to an acquaintance of Lamarre-Condon was found covered in fingerprint dust after being examined by forensic specialists.

One of the alleged crime scenes, established on Saturday, is located at a residential property on Karoola Road in the Newcastle suburb of Lambton. Daily Mail Australia on Monday visited the scene where a vehicle belonging to an acquaintance of Lamarre-Condon was found covered in fingerprint dust after being examined by forensic specialists.

One of the alleged crime scenes, established on Saturday, is located at a residential property on Karoola Road in the Newcastle suburb of Lambton. Daily Mail Australia on Monday visited the scene where a vehicle belonging to an acquaintance of Lamarre-Condon was found covered in fingerprint dust after being examined by forensic specialists.

A neighbor said his acquaintance, fellow police officer Renee Fortuna, had not returned home after the police raid, and had even left behind her vehicle covered in fingerprints. Police allege that Fortuna borrowed Lamarre-Condon's hose to clean the interior of her rented van.

A neighbor said his acquaintance, fellow police officer Renee Fortuna, had not returned home after the police raid, and had even left behind her vehicle covered in fingerprints. Police allege that Fortuna borrowed Lamarre-Condon's hose to clean the interior of her rented van.

A neighbor said his acquaintance, fellow police officer Renee Fortuna, had not returned home after the police raid, and had even left behind her vehicle covered in fingerprints. Police allege that Fortuna borrowed Lamarre-Condon’s hose to clean the interior of her rented van.

The expanding police search includes sites in Cronulla, Newcastle and multiple dams in the Southern Tablelands.

The expanding police search includes sites in Cronulla, Newcastle and multiple dams in the Southern Tablelands.

The expanding police search includes sites in Cronulla, Newcastle and multiple dams in the Southern Tablelands.

Divers searched for “items of interest” at two dams on Hazelton Road, about 35 kilometers south of Goulburn, after intelligence located murder accused Lamarre-Condon at the rural location last week and revelations by the Commissioner of police on Monday that he had an acquaintance with him. .

That acquaintance, police said, was an “innocent party” and was unaware of Lamarre-Condon’s alleged crime and was cooperating with police.

‘This acquaintance is not a suspect in this matter. We believe she was an innocent agent,’ he said.

“We believe that potentially, through a previous relationship of his, he was connected to that property in some way.”



9.50am: Shots heard in Paddington but not reported to police

9:54 am: Triple-0 call made from Jesse Baird’s phone but disconnected

Rent a white Toyota HiAce van.


Constable Beau Lamarre-Condon partially admits his role in the deaths of Baird and Davies to a former police officer.


11am: Bloody belongings of Mr Davies and Mr Baird found in a bin in Cronulla

Around noon, Constable Lamarre-Condon heads south from Sydney towards the Southern Tablelands area with an acquaintance.

He stops at a Goulburn shop and buys an angle grinder and a lock.

Then buy weights and torches.

He leaves the acquaintance at the door of a rural property while he walks away for about 30 minutes.


4:30am Constable Lamarre-Condon leaves the Bungonia area and heads to Newcastle where he uses a hose to clean the rented HiAce van.


5am ​​Leave Newcastle and drive to Grays Point in the south of the city.

10:39: Officer Lamarre-Condon surrenders to the police.

2:00 p.m.: He is charged with two counts of murder and refuses to cooperate with police.

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