An Australian mother of two has revealed how much she saves shopping at Aldi and the one product she has vowed to never buy again.
Lidia Scida, from Victoria, went viral by exposing the huge price difference she noticed after shopping at Aldi and Coles.
Although he saves $100 a week by shopping at the German discount retailer, he told FEMAIL he will always buy bread elsewhere.
“Despite what many people have said, I think the quality of Aldi products is much better than the own brand version from Coles and Woolworths,” Lidia said.
‘I’ve tried almost everything at Aldi and I can say that the only thing I don’t buy at Aldi is bread. I buy in bulk and freeze it and find that it doesn’t thaw as well. But the wraps, croissants, muffins, English muffins and bagels are great!’
Australian mum Lidia Scida (pictured right with her family) went viral after exposing the huge price difference she noticed after shopping at Aldi and Coles. She has now revealed how much she spends on average and what she never buys

Lidia always shops at Aldi first to buy the bulk of her shopping list before visiting Coles to pick up a few extra items. On one trip, her huge Aldi haul of more than 35 items cost her $255 (pictured), while the handful of additional items bought at Coles cost her $78.
Every week, Lidia spends between $150 and $250 at Aldi for essentials. She then spends an extra $80 to $130 at Coles.
Always pick up frozen products and avoid the middle aisle full of ‘Special Buys’ to make sure you don’t impulsively buy something you don’t need.
“I think where Aldi shines is in their frozen food department; I have enjoyed everything we have chosen as a gift or side dish,” Lidia said.
Aldi ice cream and frozen fruit are also a hit at home, along with rosé.
‘I generally don’t buy dishwashing tablets, powder or liquid detergents, fabric softeners, wrappers, foil or cheese from Coles or Woolworths. It’s a lot more expensive there,’ he said.
However, you will buy sponges, hair products, feminine products, deodorants, own brand bread and John West tuna from major retailers.
Lidia is also a fan of meal prepping, but she doesn’t have time to check out the specials.

“Despite what many people have said, I think the quality of Aldi products is much better than the own brand version from Coles and Woolworths,” Lidia said.
On her most recent trip, her massive Aldi haul of over 35 items cost $255.
When she went to Coles to buy some extra items, including bread, carrots and tuna, she was expecting a small bill but was alarmed to find she was spending $78..
‘I just find it very interesting. In fact, I can’t believe the price increase. It’s disgusting and disgraceful to Coles and Woolies for forcing people to do this. Good for you, Aldi,’ Lidia said in a TikTok video.
Lidia’s ‘big shop’ at Aldi included fresh fruit, vegetables, canned food, frozen food, conditioner and drain cleaner.
“This is enough to make me seven meals for the week… we’re trying to eat more plant-based meals and I already have some frozen schnitzels, so we don’t need too much meat this week,” she said.
In comparison, at Coles she bought three loaves of own brand bread, kabana, miniature rolls, cabbage, canned tuna, dark soya sauce, carrots, noodles, sauce and bean sprouts.
‘This tiny little section was $78!’ he said as she pointed to the items.