Home Australia I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a year and I just found out he’s using a dating app. How should I leave it?

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a year and I just found out he’s using a dating app. How should I leave it?

Woman's friend sent her a screenshot of her boyfriend's dating profile and asked others how she should break up with him (file image)

A woman wonders if she should break up with her boyfriend after her friend discovers him on a dating app.

The furious woman went to the British platform for parents Momsnet and explained that her partner of almost a year liked another woman’s profile on a dating app, without knowing she was her friend.

Her friend sent her a screenshot of her boyfriend’s dating profile and in He first tried to give it the benefit of the doubt in case it was an old profile, but it showed that it had been “recently active.”

She asked Mumsnet users to help her end the relationship in a “classy” way because she doesn’t want to appear “hysterical”.

Many were quick to comment with their own thoughts, with some suggesting that he shouldn’t mention the dating site and say that he’s leaving it because he’s bad in bed.

Woman’s friend sent her a screenshot of her boyfriend’s dating profile and asked others how she should break up with him (file image)

The post read: ‘In a relationship with a man for 11 months, I had the exclusive chat. We see each other regularly, the relationship seemed good.

‘My friend just sent me a screenshot of him on a dating site… so at first I tried to look at it as positively as possible… maybe it’s an old profile… but no, he likes it. likes your profile and has been active recently.

‘I am very hurt and devastated, but I am happy to say that my anger has taken over me! We were meant to see each other throughout the weekend, this weekend everything is planned, dinner reserved, swimming, walks, lunch, movie… obviously I’m not going now…

‘Any advice on what I should message, I don’t think it should be ended face to face with dignity… Seriously, what an absolute bitch!!!

She continued: ‘I don’t want to get hysterical in my message, having class would be nice, but also letting you know what you’ve shown me! I’m so glad I never met this friend!’

People offered several ways to get rid of him in the comments, and some suggested leading him to doubt his “sexual prowess.”

On the British parenting platform Mumsnet, the furious woman explained that her partner of almost a year liked her friend's profile on a dating app, without knowing that she was his girlfriend's partner.

On the British parenting platform Mumsnet, the furious woman explained that her partner of almost a year liked her friend’s profile on a dating app, without knowing that she was his girlfriend’s partner.

1716797532 921 Ive been dating my boyfriend for a year and I

1716797533 129 Ive been dating my boyfriend for a year and I

People offered several ways to get rid of it in the comments and some suggested leading it to doubt its

People offered several ways to get rid of him in the comments, and some suggested leading him to doubt his “sexual prowess.”

One person said: ‘It would be short and sweet…’ Listen, I was going to trick you, but I realized that would be cruel. I have to tell you the truth about why this isn’t working for me. It turns out that size really DOES matter.’

Someone else chimed in with: ‘Combine the suggestions about the shitty sex life and the dating site.’ Bob, you can see in this screenshot that I now know what you’ve been doing.

“It’s obviously a huge blow that someone I trusted could be so pathetically dishonest, but I have to say it’s actually a relief as it was getting boring faking all those orgasms.”

A fourth said: ‘Another good option… Yes I would choose this one. Not to mention the dating site or anything. Just the text. It’s not me, It’s you. You can’t satisfy me, etc. as stated above. Which leads him to doubt his sexual prowess. Amazing.’

Others suggested she should mess with his head and create fake profiles to match with him, while some said she should just ‘ghost’ him.

One person wrote: ‘Oh I would definitely leave it hanging.’ Set up some fake profiles, like your profile or whatever

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1716797534 885 Ive been dating my boyfriend for a year and I

1716797534 580 Ive been dating my boyfriend for a year and I

Others suggested she should mess with his head and create fake profiles to match with him, while some said she should just 'ghost' him.

Others suggested she should mess with his head and create fake profiles to match with him, while some said she should just ‘ghost’ him.

“As a previous user mentioned, there was someone here a while ago who did this, flirted with him, made a date, never showed up, etc., etc.”

Another said: ‘What would bother him most is if you never wrote to him again.’ You don’t even have to block him, you just never responded to him.

‘If you block him, he will know that he has been criticized. If you say something unpleasant, it will be full of justifications.

“I would either write to you saying that you’re not a good fit and that you want to end the relationship or I would just ignore it completely.”

Meanwhile, another wrote: ‘It doesn’t deserve any explanation, photo or anything else. If there is no energy to humiliate the catfish, just ghost it.

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