Home US Instant Karma Will Catch You: Watch The Five Best Moments Of Cosmic Revenge In Action

Instant Karma Will Catch You: Watch The Five Best Moments Of Cosmic Revenge In Action

Instant Karma Will Catch You: Watch The Five Best Moments Of Cosmic Revenge In Action

  • DailyMail.com rounds up the best videos showcasing this week’s karmic justice

Everyone loves to see bad boys and girls getting what they deserve, and this week we’ve showcased some classic examples of karmic justice.

Buckle up and try to keep the schadenfreude at bay as we round up the best videos showing people receiving money from the universe.

Don’t lay eggs, act according to plan.

Two women threw eggs at a house allegedly belonging to an ex in Detroit, Michigan. But when they tried to escape, things went very wrong.

Brazilian-style street justice

A woman brutally slapped a little girl as she walked down the street with her mother in Brazil and the retribution, from an unexpected source, was swift and painful.

A not so clean getaway

A suspected thief tried to get away with an all-terrain vehicle in South Florida, but he clearly wasn’t used to the power of his new machine.

You were warned!

A stubborn pickup truck driver in Kaufman County, Texas, refuses to listen to a woman’s warnings as he tries to navigate a flooded ditch in his path.

A world where dogs eat dogs!

This pet owner thought he had beaten his fierce-looking dog with a sturdy new chain to keep him behind a fence.

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