Home US Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video of a homeowners association meeting descending into anarchy as furious residents start screaming at ‘buffoon’ of a president

Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video of a homeowners association meeting descending into anarchy as furious residents start screaming at ‘buffoon’ of a president

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A homeowners association meeting in Howell Township, New Jersey, was derailed as it appeared the board wanted to pass a motion against the wishes of residents.

A homeowners association (HOA) meeting in New Jersey was derailed after the community came together to protest the prospect of bringing in a new third-party management company against the wishes of many residents.

A nearly three-minute clip of the meeting resurfaced on TikTok after being shared by the @volumeupvids account, while a video of the entire meeting, which took place in 2020, can be seen on YouTube.

The gathering took place at The Windmill Club community center, located at 1 Eagle Drive in Howell Township, New Jersey.

The speaker leading the meeting was addressing the community about a potential change in leadership – with attendees loudly expressing their concerns about the possibility of increased fees in the future.

A homeowners association meeting in Howell Township, New Jersey, was derailed as it appeared the board wanted to pass a motion against the wishes of residents.

A homeowners association meeting in Howell Township, New Jersey, was derailed as it appeared the board wanted to pass a motion against the wishes of residents.

The crowd in attendance was furious that an “acting” board member, who had not been elected, would vote to approve the takeover of a new management company.

The crowd in attendance was furious that an “acting” board member, who had not been elected, would vote to approve the takeover of a new management company.

The crowd in attendance was furious that an “acting” board member, who had not been elected, would vote to approve the takeover of a new management company.

The crowd became even angrier when they realized that a new “acting” board member named Frank, who wore a black mask, had not been elected, but had instead been “appointed” by the other members of the board of directors.

Worse yet, he was voting to approve the new management company, allying himself with the woman who was speaking.

Moments later, the speaker declared it was time to vote – which quickly sparked an outcry from attendees.

“What are we voting for? a man shouted.

“You haven’t given us any information!” We have no information! What are you voting on? another person yelled as she got up from her lawn chair.

“We have no information on the company you want to hire. We have no information to compare apples to apples! Now what are you voting for?!’ she continued.

“Are we all crazy here? »

A second man shouted accusingly at the board: “How long have you lived here?

Trying to make her voice heard above the fray, the speaker apparently at one point tried the microphone of a “kids’ karaoke machine” set up in the grass nearby – without success.

Despite loud protests from the crowd, the board attempted to move forward and hold a vote on whether Red Bank, New Jersey-based management company PRC Group would take over. domination over the local HOA.

Another outcry arose from the crowd when the speaker pointed to a nearby lake and said, “This lake is going to have a major project,” going on to explain that the Conservation Agency environment had intervened and without the project. the insurance rate “on the lake” would increase.

‘No! No! No!’ you could hear a man screaming.

When the speaker declared it was time to vote, the announcement sparked an angry outcry from attendees. Frank is shown with the black mask

When the speaker declared it was time to vote, the announcement sparked an angry outcry from attendees. Frank is shown with the black mask

When the speaker declared it was time to vote, the announcement sparked an angry outcry from attendees. Frank is shown with the black mask

After nearly 45 minutes, the woman declared the meeting “concluded,” with no time for questions, as she had previously told attendees.

In a pinned comment, the original poster of the YouTube footage from the entire meeting shared an update.

“The man sitting next to the woman speaking was defeated in an election,” they wrote of the unelected board member.

“The woman who spoke resigned from her position because she no longer had the majority of votes.

“No one forced her to leave, but she is so full of herself and entitled that when she saw she couldn’t run the HOA the way she wanted without opposition from the board and giving management contracts to whoever she wants instead. of the woman who had this position for years (literally my whole life) and worked hard at it, she quit.

“She then sold her house and moved elsewhere, just like the man next to her who was voted out in the election.

“He was defeated in the election by 101 votes to 5.”

Four years later, on the PRC Group website, there is no mention of management properties owned by Howell Township – so it appears town residents actually had a say at the polls.

Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

1711014758 650 Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

1711014758 650 Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

1711014758 536 Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

1711014758 536 Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

1711014759 646 Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

1711014759 646 Social media users are left in hysterics over viral video

People on TikTok were in an uproar over the chaotic clip

People on TikTok were in an uproar over the chaotic clip

People on TikTok were in an uproar over the chaotic clip

Although the video was initially revealed, its reappearance on social media prompted hundreds of people to express their shock and delight at its content, with several taking to the comments section on Reddit, TikTok and YouTube to express their opinion about the chaos. clip.

‘Why am I watching this? I’m not part of an HOA and never will be, but I can’t stop watching this train wreck,” one person commented on YouTube.

“This is the smallest amount of authority I have ever seen someone mishandle,” added another.

“I worked for a property management company for many years,” one person added. “It was such a joy to watch. It brought back all the old memories of sitting at these ridiculous meetings and making fun of all the entitled idiots and their little fantasy kingdoms that they ruled over.

Meanwhile, one took aim at the “lady running the meeting”, calling her a “buffoon”.

“The lady running the meeting is a disastrous speaker, her disdain is clear,” they commented. “Plus, she tries to use ‘big’ words that she doesn’t understand, which makes her seem like a buffoon.”

One TikTok user joked: “This makes for an SNL sketch!” »

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