Home Life Style I lost 100lbs and had loads of excess skin and my boobs looked like golf balls in socks, but a £24,000 cosmetic surgery has transformed my body.

I lost 100lbs and had loads of excess skin and my boobs looked like golf balls in socks, but a £24,000 cosmetic surgery has transformed my body.

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Hannah, 36, from the Midlands, was left hating her body after a dramatic 38kg weight loss left her with excess skin and breasts

A woman has described how she came to hate her body after a dramatic three-inch weight loss left her with excess skin and breasts “like golf balls in socks”.

Hannah, 36, from the Midlands, nearly halved her body weight through diet and exercise but was still unhappy with her appearance and decided to completely transform her body with cosmetic surgery costing £24,000.

Hannah, who was always a size eight, started eating for two during her first pregnancy, assuming she would simply lose the weight afterwards.

Then, a few years after having her daughter, she discovered she was wearing size 18 clothes to cover all the lumps and bumps.

Hannah, who was already over 15lbs heavier at the time, said: ‘When I was heavier I lacked confidence, hated looking in the mirror, didn’t like having my photo taken and felt like I wasn’t myself.

Hannah, 36, from the Midlands, was left hating her body after a dramatic 38kg weight loss left her with excess skin and breasts “like golf balls in socks”.

“I remember one day I took everything out of my closet and I felt really bad because nothing fit me anymore. I was about to cry. Life shouldn’t be about how you look, it should also be about how I feel. And I didn’t feel like myself anymore.”

Hannah decided to get fit, but she lacked motivation and avoided the problem for years. Until one day she put on her trainers and went for a run.

One day I looked in the mirror and thought, “Get a grip.” At that point, all I could do was run to the end of the road.

‘So I kept going every day, a little bit more each time. After a few weeks, I pushed myself hard, started lifting weights and hired a personal trainer.

‘I also became very careful about what I ate. It was terrible. I was buying takeaways and a lot of ready meals – fish and chips, Chinese food and pizza – so I started eating a healthier, vegetarian diet, carefully cutting calories but not obsessing too much about calorie counting.’

Over the course of four years of constant exercise and healthy eating, she lost up to 45 kg.

Hannah said: “I felt amazing physically. I was fitter and loved my new figure. I also noticed a massive improvement in my mental health and I would encourage anyone else who is feeling down to start thinking about their physical health and get exercising.”

I lost 100lbs and had loads of excess skin and

A few years after having her daughter, she found herself wearing size 18 clothes to cover all the lumps and bumps.

After four years of constant exercise and healthy eating, I had regained my weight by 40 kilos.

After four years of constant exercise and healthy eating, I had regained my weight by 40 kilos.

Hannah started eating for two during her first pregnancy, assuming the weight would simply fall off afterwards.

Hannah started eating for two during her first pregnancy, assuming the weight would simply fall off afterwards.

In 2021, she spent all her savings on a breast lift and implants, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), and an open rhinoplasty (or nose job).

In 2021, she spent all her savings on a breast lift and implants, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), and an open rhinoplasty (or nose job).

The job cost £24,000 to transform her abdomen and breasts with surgery by The Harley Medical Group, but she said the operation was

The job cost £24,000 to transform her tummy and breasts with surgery by The Harley Medical Group, but she said the operation was “perfect and life-changing”.

Now Hannah feels confident enough to wear a bikini after years of covering up her body.

Now Hannah feels confident enough to wear a bikini after years of covering up her body.

However, after Hannah lost weight, she was left with loose skin around her breasts and belly, leaving her distressed by her own reflection.

Her breasts, which before pregnancy were double Ds, were deflated and her confidence was at rock bottom.

She said: ‘I had to tuck the extra skin from my stomach into my trousers and the extra skin into my bra. If I moved the extra skin would end up hanging down and almost like an apron with my boobs. Because I’d lost weight I was more of a B cup. I can only describe them as looking like golf balls in socks.

“If I leaned over or moved, the skin would constantly come off, so I had to constantly push it back in. So I still had the same confidence issues I had before I lost the weight.

‘I still wore baggy clothes and lived in sweatpants and hoodies. I couldn’t walk around naked. I didn’t wear sexy underwear.

“It affected my intimacy with my husband at the time and I had to turn off the lights when we had sex. I couldn’t change in front of anyone and I hated the way I looked. I hadn’t worn a bikini in 21 years.”

Hannah decided to get fit, but she lacked motivation and avoided the problem for years. Then one day, she put on her trainers and went for a run. After losing a few kilos, she hired a personal trainer.

Hannah decided to get fit, but she lacked motivation and avoided the problem for years. Then one day, she put on her trainers and went for a run. After losing a few kilos, she hired a personal trainer.

After Hannah lost weight, she was left with loose skin around her breasts and belly, leaving her distressed by her own reflection.

After getting a breast implant and a tummy tuck, she has regained her confidence and feels like she used to.

After Hannah lost weight, she was left with loose skin around her breasts and belly, leaving her distressed by her own reflection.

Hannah said the recovery itself was physically very painful, but she said it was worth it.

Hannah said the recovery itself was physically very painful, but she said it was worth it.


Medically known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck improves the appearance of the stomach.

Surgeons remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten connective tissues.

The end result is a more toned appearance. Many women and men undergo the operation to improve their body image.

Abdominoplasty is also the ideal option for women who have given birth and have a prolonged “mommy belly.”

The surgery repairs diastasis recti, two abdominal muscles that can separate during pregnancy.

Figures show that nearly 130,000 tummy tucks were performed in the US last year and nearly 3,000 are performed privately in the UK each year.

The Mayo Clinic states: “Like any other type of major surgery, abdominoplasty carries a risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.”

It can also cause fluid to build up under the skin, known as a seroma, and can become infected.

Hannah decided that surgery was the only option, which left her friends stunned and only able to see her “lovely figure”.

In 2021, she spent all her savings on a breast lift and implants, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), and an open rhinoplasty (or nose job).

The job cost £24,000 to transform her stomach and breasts with surgery by The Harley Medical Group, but she said the operation was “perfect and life-changing”.

‘The recovery itself was very painful physically, but it was worth it. I was in bed for a week, but then the recovery was very smooth and I didn’t have any infections.

“After I recovered, people couldn’t believe how different I looked. And I felt amazing. Now I have my confidence back, I feel like I used to and like I’ve changed my life for the better.

“I don’t regret anything and I continue to exercise and eat well. And for the first time in 21 years, I can wear a bikini on the beach.”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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