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How to buy an electric bike

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SixThreeZero Electrified Electric Tricycle EvryJourney

“Aside from price, most buyers ask me what makes one bike so much more expensive than another,” says Kevin Lau. “My usual answer is the type of drivetrain/motor system and the components on the bike.” High-end bikes are vehicles, just like high-end cars and motorcycles. They have more expensive components, with lighter and more durable materials, manufactured to tighter tolerances and more precise machining.

$2000 is about what we would expect to spend on a high-quality, durable electric bike. However, if you don’t want to spend that much just to see if you can incorporate an electric bike into your lifestyle, we have a selection of electric bikes for under $2000.

Can you lift an electric bike?

Photography: SixThreeZero Bike Co.

If you’ve never ridden an e-bike, it’s important to know that some are very heavy, weighing up to 50 pounds. “I’ve seen a lot of people who’ve spent $3,000 or $4,000 on an e-bike and they don’t have the strength to carry it up the stairs in their apartment or maneuver it around the garage,” Oseland says.

“For some customers, lifting the bike into a car or onto a bike rack can be a factor,” Lau adds. “Some bike racks aren’t strong enough to hold an e-bike.” Before selling a customer an e-bike, Oseland makes sure they have a way to safely transport it. “If you have to leave the bike in the car, you can wreck it.” That said, e-bikes can be a safer way to get around for many people with limited mobility, and older riders can reap huge benefits from getting more exercise. We have picks for e-bikes for older riders here.

How far do you plan to travel?

The next major priority is addressing customers’ “range anxiety.” Range anxiety is the fear that the bike will run out of battery before the ride is over. Every bike has a set range, but there are many factors that can increase or decrease it, Lau says, including terrain, air temperature, rider weight, tire softness, how much assist the rider is using (most e-bikes have at least three levels of assist), and battery size. When all of these factors are considered, a typical e-bike’s range can range from about 30 to 65 miles, Lau says.

Bosch, a leading manufacturer of e-bike systems, has an online store Electric bike range calculatorBefore any ride, riders can input their weight, cadence, average speed, mileage, terrain, wind speed and other factors to find out a near-exact approximation of how long their Bosch battery will last. Many e-bikes also have the option of adding a dual battery. This will double your range, but will also increase the weight of the bike.

How are you going to charge and store the battery?

Photography: Adrienne So

In 2023, the electric bicycle battery fires In New York City, there were 268 incidents resulting in 150 injuries and 18 deaths. In the early days of e-bike manufacturing, many batteries were made overseas and the United States did not have strict UL certification requirements. (UL certification is considered the gold standard for safety; a third party organization has independently verified that the battery meets local and federal safety standards).

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