Home Tech The 4 Big Questions the Pentagon’s New UFO Report Fails to Answer

The 4 Big Questions the Pentagon’s New UFO Report Fails to Answer

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The 4 Big Questions the Pentagon’s New UFO Report Fails to Answer

But what were those programs? Herein lies the most intriguing – and potentially groundbreaking – question the Pentagon investigation leaves us wondering: What exactly are the secret, compartmentalized programs witnessed by the whistleblowers and the government? misidentified as related to UAP technology? What exactly is the Pentagon, the intelligence community or defense companies working on, from a concentric circle or two away in the shadowy world of SAPs, it looks and sounds like reverse engineering alien technology or even studying so-called “non-human biologics” ”?

There are at least four clear possibilities.

Secret technology of foreign nations

First, what exotic technological capabilities have been brought out of the unknown earthy sources? For example, if the government is working on reverse-engineering technologies, those technologies are likely to come from advanced hostile nation-states such as China, Russia, and Iran, and perhaps even from quasi-allies such as Israel, which may be more limited in technology sharing. with the US. What have other countries mastered that we have not?

A matter of ‘special features’

Second, what technologies has the US mastered that the public doesn’t know about? One of the common threads in UFO sightings for decades has been secret military aircraft and spacecraft that are in development or have not yet been publicly acknowledged. For example, the CIA estimated that the U-2 spy plane was responsible for as many as half of reported UFO sightings in the 1950s. And the AARO report runs to half a dozen pages documenting how the confusion over subsequent generations of secret US government aircraft also appears to have contributed to the vast intergalactic telephone game of government UFO programs, including modern Predator, Reaper and Global Hawk -drones. . AARO investigated a claim where a witness reported hearing that a former U.S. military service member had touched an alien spacecraft, but when they tracked down the military member, he said the conversation was likely a garbled version of the time he touched an F-117 Nighthawk. stealth fighter in a secret facility.

There are undoubtedly other secret craft currently being tested and developed, including the B-21 stealth bomber, which had one first test flight in November and is testing now at Edwards Air Force Base in California, as well as others we don’t know about. The government can still surprise us with unknown crafts, such as the previously unknown modified stealth helicopter left behind in the Pakistani attack to kill Osama bin Laden. And some of these still-covert efforts are likely causing UFO confusion, too: AARO disentangled a witness’s claim to have spotted a UAP with “peculiar characteristics” at a specific time and place and was able to determine “at the time that the interviewee said he observed During the event, the DOD conducted tests on a platform protected by an SAP. The apparently strange characteristics reported by the interviewee closely match the characteristics of the platform, which was tested at a military facility during the time the interviewee was there.” So what was that craft – and what were its ‘peculiar features’?

In connection with this, the US military has a secret spaceship, the X-37B, which has been orbiting the Earth regularly since its first mission in 2010. most recent mission in December – and the previous, sixth mission lasted a record-breaking 908 days in orbit. For years, the Pentagon has said remarkably little about what it is doing there. What secret space or aviation-related programs is the government running that confuses extraterrestrials with alien spacecraft?

A material issue

The third likely area of ​​technological development that may seem UFO-related to outsiders is more speculative basic research and development: what propulsion systems or breakthroughs in materials science are defense contractors currently working on that could transform our collective future? Once again, AARO discovered that such a mix-up occurred: after a witness heard that “aliens” had observed a secret government test, AARO traced the accusation back and discovered that “the conversation likely referred to a test and evaluation unit that nicknamed ‘alien’. connotations with the specifically mentioned installation. The nature of the test described by the interviewee closely matched the description of a specific materials test provided to AARO researchers. Which materials were tested there?

There are some puzzling materials science breadcrumbs in the AARO report. One case was found in which “a private sector organization claimed to have in its possession material from an alien spacecraft recovered after a crash at an unknown location in the 1940s or 1950s. The organization claimed that the material had the potential to act as a THz frequency waveguide and could therefore exhibit ‘anti-gravity’ and ‘mass reduction’ properties under the right conditions.” But ultimately, the new report concluded: “AARO and a leading scientific laboratory concluded that the material is a metal alloy, terrestrial in nature, and possibly of USAF (US Air Force) origin, based on the characterization of the material.”

A limit of knowledge

The fourth and final category is the category of the truly strange: scientists at the forefront of physics point out that we should be humble about how little we really understand about the universe; As Harvard astronomy professor Avi Loeb explains, essentially everything we’ve learned about relativity and quantum physics has unfolded in the span of one human lifetime, and astonishing new discoveries continue to amaze scientists. Last summer, scientists announced that they had discovered it for the first time gravitational waves that traverse the universe that rippled through space-time, and astrophysicists continue to suspect that the universe is much stranger than we think. (Italian astrophysicist Carlo Rovelli suggested last year the existence of “white holesThat would be related to black holes, which, he pointed out, were still a mystery just 25 years ago when he started his career.)

The answers here could be almost unfathomably weird: think parallel dimensions or the ability to travel at a fraction of the speed of light. And one of the most intriguing questions left by the UAP phone game is whether there really are any amazing advances in physics that government scientists, defense contractors, or research labs or centers can buy into and that might appear that way from the outside. UFO related.

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