Home Health FDA to axe ban that prevented gay and bisexual men from donating their sperm

FDA to axe ban that prevented gay and bisexual men from donating their sperm

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The FDA is looking to update its rules on anonymous sperm donations. The current rules were implemented in the 1980s due to HIV concerns (file image)



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It has been revealed that the FDA is set to lift the ban on gay and bisexual men donating sperm.

Under the current rule, men who have had sex with men in the past five years cannot donate sperm anonymously amid fears about HIV.

But the agency is now trying to eliminate this rule and replace it with a requirement to ask “more specific” questions about HIV infections and other viruses.

If approved, the change would increase the number of anonymous sperm donations available to those seeking fertility treatments.

It would also affect donations of other tissues, such as heart valves and ligaments, officials say, and donations from gay and bisexual men would also be allowed.

The FDA is looking to update its rules on anonymous sperm donations. The current rules were implemented in the 1980s due to HIV concerns (file image)

The FDA is looking to update its rules on anonymous sperm donations. The current rules were implemented in the 1980s due to HIV concerns (file image)

He Wall Street Journalwho broke the news, said the FDA planned to finalize its proposal this summer.

If the White House approves the legislation, officials say it could take effect before the end of this year.

It would follow a similar move last year that allowed more gay and bisexual men to donate blood.

About 86,000 babies are born through IVF in the United States each year, estimates suggest, or two percent of the total.

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