Home Life Style Expert warns Prince Harry to avoid risky behavior like 2012 Las Vegas scandal to keep peace with Meghan Markle

Expert warns Prince Harry to avoid risky behavior like 2012 Las Vegas scandal to keep peace with Meghan Markle

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 Expert Warns Prince Harry to Avoid Risky Behavior Like 2012 Las Vegas Scandal to Keep Peace with Meghan Markle

As Prince Harry’s 40th birthday approaches, royal expert Charles Rae has issued a blunt warning, urging the Duke of Sussex to avoid any behaviour that could upset Meghan Markle. GB News, Rae, former correspondent for The sunShe reflected on Harry’s past antics and reminded him of the responsibilities that come with being a husband and father of two children.

Harry’s birthday is rumoured to include a family celebration and a boys’ night out with close friends. However, Rae warned that the duke should be cautious, given his past reputation as a playboy. In particular, Rae recalled the infamous 2012 Las Vegas incidentwhere Harry was photographed playing naked pool with women, an episode that dominated headlines and embarrassed the royal family.

“He has to be careful,” Rae said, reminding viewers that Harry is no longer the young, carefree prince he once was. “But he is a married man with two children.”

Rae’s advice was clear: Harry should avoid any behavior that could jeopardize his relationship with Meghan. “If he has an ounce of brain in his body, he won’t dare do anything that could get him into trouble with his wife,” Rae stressed. She added: “She will take no prisoners if he does.”

The warning comes at a time when Harry is facing a life in which he must balance his past, his family and his public role. While Harry has largely stepped back from the royal scene, Rae’s comments serve as a reminder that one misstep could still get him into trouble, especially with Meghan.

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