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Everyone is excited about heat pumps

Everyone is excited about heat pumps

Lauren Goode: Yes. You also recommended a podcast episode with her.

Michael Calore: I did, yes.

Lauren Goode: Was the Fresh air one?

Michael Calore: Yes. To you. Yes. Yes, because you said, “Who is Kathleen Hannah?” I say, “Oh, you have to check it out.” So yeah, I think she was on another podcast last week. Anyway, the book is new. You can get it as an e-book or audiobook. She reads it, and if you’re a Spotify Premium subscriber, I think you can listen to it as part of your subscription, so I recommend you do that. That’s how I enjoy it, in her voice.

Matt Simon: In fact, I think I saw that in Green Apple.

Michael Calore: Yeah.

Matt Simon: Local San Francisco folks might find it there.

Michael Calore: Yeah.

Matt Simon: You must be there. Anyway. It is a great bookstore.

Lauren Goode: Oh yeah. We passed by there the other day.

Michael Calore: Yes, its the best. One of the best in the world.

Lauren Goode: You had a great story about the book you let go.

Michael Calore: Oh yeah.

Lauren Goode: And it came back to you.

Michael Calore: Yeah. Between the clock and the bed?

Lauren Goode: That’s how it is.

Michael Calore: Edvard Munch. Yes. That’s a boring story though.

Lauren Goode: I loved it.

Michael Calore: I’m glad you did it.

Lauren Goode: Yeah.

Michael Calore: What is your recommendation?

Lauren Goode: My recommendation is that I came up with this because I went into the studio today unprepared. Stays.

Michael Calore: Say more.

Matt Simon: Are you referring to a concept or a means of communication?

Lauren Goode: Oh, as a concept. Is there a media outlet called Staycations?

Matt Simon: I don’t know.

Lauren Goode: Is it like a magazine? We should start one.

Matt Simon: Yeah.

Lauren Goode: I like that idea. It’s a good time in the media to start magazines. Staycation, so I have a good friend who has been giving me access to her office at her house, and it’s great because she’s not far from where I live, but sometimes on the weekends I go there and it’s a different perspective . It’s a different place. I’m not thinking about doing laundry, cleaning, doing unfinished business or whatever I have to order on Amazon.com or whatever. I’m far away, but not far away, and I appreciate that very much. It’s really cleared my head. I’m also working on a book, so it’s helpful for that. I mean, that’s the main thing.

But also in the last few months I had the opportunity to stay just north of here, like 30 minutes, so I’m far away, but not far away, and it’s great. It’s just that, if you can, escape on vacation. If you have the means, if you have friends who say, “Hey, I need someone to watch your pet,” or “Do you want to take over my house for a weekend?” Or something like that. Do it. Stay local, but get a totally different perspective of where you live, your neighborhood, the people around you, try new restaurants, new places, just yes, make it a staycation if you can.

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