Home Entertainment Eternal’s Vernie and Easther Bennett planning reunion gig in a car park after they were ditched by former members Louise Redknapp and Kelle Bryan over trans rights row

Eternal’s Vernie and Easther Bennett planning reunion gig in a car park after they were ditched by former members Louise Redknapp and Kelle Bryan over trans rights row

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Eternal members Vernie and Easther Bennett plan to go ahead with the band's reunion despite being dumped by two of their members, Louise Redknapp and Kelle Bryan (LR: Kelle, Easther, Louise and Vernie pictured in 1997).

Eternal members Vernie and Easther Bennett plan to go ahead with the band’s reunion despite being dumped by two of their members, Louise Redknapp and Kelle Bryan.

In September last year, Louise, 49, and Kelle, 48, pulled out of an Eternal reunion tour because Vernie and her sister Easther had refused to play any of the LBGTQ+ concerts they had scheduled over allegations that they the community was being “kidnapped” by the community. trans movement

But Vernie, 52, and Easther, 51, plan to take the stage without the deceased members, in a parking lot.

The duo will perform at a pop-up stage in the NEC car park in Birmingham in May, with tickets costing £50, according to Sun.

An announcement for the concert says, “This event will be held in our North 5 parking lot and the entire festival grounds will be cement, so no muddy boots are allowed.”

Eternal members Vernie and Easther Bennett plan to go ahead with the band’s reunion despite being dumped by two of their members, Louise Redknapp and Kelle Bryan (LR: Kelle, Easther, Louise and Vernie pictured in 1997).

Louise and Kelle walked out of an Eternal reunion because Vernie and Easther had refused to play any LBGTQ+ concerts over accusations that the community is being

Louise and Kelle walked out of an Eternal reunion because Vernie and Easther had refused to play any LBGTQ+ concerts over accusations that the community is being “hijacked” by the trans movement (Louise, left, and Kelle, right, pictured in September of last year).

After planning an Eternal reunion last year to include all four members, Vernie and her sister Easther refused to play any of the LBGTQ+ concerts they had scheduled because they claimed the community was being “hijacked” by the trans movement.

Shortly afterward, Louise was accused of trying to get her former bandmates canceled by “misrepresenting” their views.

However, in a revealing statement, Louise said: “I would always have loved to meet up with the girls.” “I have so much love for what we’ve done together and Kelle and I remain the best of friends.”

At her friend’s side, Kelle added about her time in the band: “It’s been life-changing for me. Obviously the music and the fans are very important.”

Vernie broke his silence in line. seemingly refuting claims made by Louise’s team when she issued a statement about how she has been “blessed to connect with so many diverse and wonderful people from all walks of life during my career.”

Singer Vernie released a statement saying: ‘I am “forever” grateful for the family, friends and incredible fans who have supported and continue to support our incredible journey and art.

‘I have been fortunate to connect with so many diverse and wonderful people from all walks of life during my career. You all have a piece of my heart.

‘While it is impossible and counterproductive to respond to the overwhelming number of statements and accusations made recently online, I place this moment in God’s hands.

Vernie and Easther plan to go on stage without the deceased members, in a parking lot (LR: Easther, Louise, Vernie and Kelle pictured in 1995)

Vernie and Easther plan to go on stage without the deceased members, in a parking lot (LR: Easther, Louise, Vernie and Kelle pictured in 1995)

The duo will perform on a pop-up stage in the NEC car park in Birmingham in May, with tickets costing £50 (Vernie pictured in 2022).

The duo will perform on a pop-up stage in the NEC car park in Birmingham in May, with tickets costing £50 (Vernie pictured in 2022).

“I truly appreciate everyone who continues to express love and support for my family and the Eternal.”

Eternal’s original manager Denis Ingoldsby had furiously defended Easther and Vernie, who remain his clients, previously insisting they were “devastated” and accusing Louise’s team of misrepresenting details of a private email.

He told Sky News: ‘They have been criticized by Louise and her team and are all totally appalled by their bullying behavior in totally twisting the situation to suit their own goals.

‘The girls emailed Louise’s camp saying they loved playing Pride and loved the spirit of the event.

“For their team to go on record as saying they are homophobic is absolutely scandalous. This has nothing to do with gay rights.

speaking to MirrorDenis also stated that there were no confirmed or contracted dates for the meeting. Louise’s team has denied this to the publication.

Denis added that the dispute “has nothing to do with gay rights” and that the sisters have played “numerous LGBTQ+ concerts.”

Louise (left) said last year: 'I would always have loved to meet up with the girls. I have so much love for what we've done together and Kelle and I remain the best of friends.

Louise (left) said last year: ‘I would always have loved to meet up with the girls. I have so much love for what we’ve done together and Kelle and I remain the best of friends.

Last year, Louise addressed her decision to retire from the tour by sharing the Progress Pride Flag on her Instagram Stories, writing:

Last year, Louise addressed her decision to retire from the tour by sharing the Progress Pride Flag on her Instagram Stories, writing: “Always and forever.”

She added: “Vernie said she was worried the Pride movement was being hijacked, and she’s not alone, but now this has been used as a weapon against her, and Louise’s team is trying to shut it down.”

Louise’s publicist, Simon Jones, has stated that they stand by their previous comments, telling the publication: “Denis Ingoldsby was not involved in discussions about the Eternal reunion, including the four members, for the past two years. Easther and Vernie they can try to disguise him however they want.

‘The fact is that the duo said they would only do the reunion Eterna if it didn’t include Pride or LGBTQ+ festivals.

“Obviously, Louise would not agree to exclude the LGBTQ+ community from her tour plans. We, as a team, do not at all agree with dividing the LGBTQ+ community or excluding trans people.’

And he added: “Absolutely nothing has been distorted.

‘We have simply explained the reason why the Eternal meeting is not taking place with Louise and Kelle.

‘It is a fact that an email was sent saying that Vernie and Easther would only do the Eternal reunion if no Pride or LGBTQ+ festivals were included in the plan.

“Louise obviously would not agree to exclude the LGBTQ+ community from the band’s touring plans and, as such, notified the duo that she would not be participating.”

I'm out! Louise, who recently confirmed that she is dating her new boyfriend Drew Michael, has performed solo at many Pride events over the years (pictured at Brighton Pride in August).

I’m out! Louise, who recently confirmed that she is dating her new boyfriend Drew Michael, has performed solo at many Pride events over the years (pictured at Brighton Pride in August).

Louise addressed her decision to retire from the tour by sharing the Progress Pride Flag on her Instagram Stories, writing: “Always and forever.”

The flag was created in 2018 by non-binary artist Daniel Quasar and is largely based on the iconic 1978 rainbow flag.

The black and brown stripes represent marginalized LGBTIQ+ people of color and the triad of blue, pink and white are from the trans flag.

Eternal, who rose to stardom in the ’90s, were planning a big reunion tour this year, whose highlights included performances at Pride and Mighty Hoopla.

Both festivals celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, however, the tour dates were apparently not well received by band members Easther and Vernie.

It was revealed that Louise and her team received a message from Vernie and Easther, stating that they would not be participating in any Pride shows or LGBTQ+ festivals.

Louise’s publicist said: “A message was sent to the team that organized the Eternal reunion stating that if it went ahead, neither Vernie nor Easther would be performing at Pride shows or LGBTQ+ festivals.

‘This was because the duo felt that the trans community was hijacking the gay community and they do not support it.

‘Louise is a huge supporter and ally of the LGBTQ+ community and both she and Kelle told the duo that they would not work with anyone who held these views and, as such, the foursome’s meeting would not take place.

“The team behind the proposed Eternal reunion is gay, including management, PR and the tour promoter, and neither I nor anyone on the team would work with artists who held such views on the trans community.”

Louise has performed as a soloist at many Pride events over the years.

Last summer she took the stage alone at Brighton Pride in August.

The Eternal tour was to be the first time the original line-up would perform together since Louise quit in 1995 to pursue a solo career.

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