Home Australia Elon Musk makes shocking statement about his transgender son Xavier and how he was tricked: ‘He’s evil’

Elon Musk makes shocking statement about his transgender son Xavier and how he was tricked: ‘He’s evil’

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Elon Musk spoke about how he thinks it was

Elon Musk has spoken out about how he believes he was “tricked” by the Awakening Mind Virus into allowing his daughter to become a transgender woman.

The Tesla CEO has long had a contentious relationship with his 20-year-old daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson, though that was previously over political disagreements, with Musk having called her a “communist” who thinks “anyone who’s rich is evil.”

But in an interview on Monday, Musk made his strongest comments yet against the decision, calling what happened to the billionaire and his family “evil.”

“I was basically tricked into signing paperwork for one of my older sons, Xavier,” she said, using Wilson’s former name.

“This was before I knew what was going on, and we had COVID, so there was a lot of confusion. And I was told that Xavier might kill himself,” Musk added.

Elon Musk spoke out about how he believes he was “tricked” by the Awakening Mind Virus into allowing his daughter to become a transgender woman

The Tesla CEO has long had a contentious relationship with his 20-year-old daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson (pictured in 2022), though that was previously over political disagreements, with Musk having called her

The Tesla CEO has long had a contentious relationship with his daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson (pictured in 2022), 20, although that was previously over political disagreements, with Musk having called her a “communist” who thinks “anyone who’s rich is evil”.

Jordan Peterson, who was conducting the interview for the The Daily WireHe called that “a lie from the beginning” and said there was “never any evidence of that,” arguing that underlying depression and anxiety cause higher rates of trans suicide rather than gender dysphoria.

“It’s incredibly evil and I agree with you that people who promote this should go to prison,” Musk responded.

The owner of X, who recently committed $45 million a month to a Super Pac supporting Donald Trump in the 2024 election, believes he was tricked into letting his son transition.

“I was tricked into doing this. I was not told that puberty blockers are actually just sterilising drugs,” she said.

“Basically, I lost my son. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead, so my son, Xavier, is dead, killed by the progressive mind virus.”

Deadnaming is the term transgender people often use to refer to being called by the name they used before they began transitioning.

Unlike other billionaires, Musk has not spent much on political donations, but he has previously donated to both Republicans and Democrats.

In recent years, however, Musk appears to have leaned more toward the Republican Party.

1721710458 556 Elon Musk makes shocking statement about his transgender son Xavier

“I was basically tricked into signing paperwork for one of my older sons, Xavier,” she said, using Wilson’s former name.

Vivian was born a twin to her brother Griffin in 2004 in California, the daughter of Musk and his first wife Justine (pictured), whose maiden name Wilson has now adopted.

Vivian was born a twin to her brother Griffin in 2004 in California, the daughter of Musk and his first wife Justine (pictured), whose maiden name Wilson has now adopted.

Musk told Peterson that his right-wing awakening was driven by this process and by the deception he claimed was played on him.

“I pledged to destroy the progressive mindset virus after that and we are making some progress,” he said.

Wilson legally changed her gender to female and her name from ‘Xavier’ to Vivian Jenna Wilson in 2022, though she revealed in court documents that she ‘no longer wishes to be associated’ with Musk ‘in any capacity’.

While the South African billionaire was “generally optimistic” about his daughter’s transition, he has since criticised her, calling her a “communist” and blaming the organisation for her political views. expensive private high school he attended.

But according to an excerpt from a Musk biography, it has been claimed that the Tesla CEO’s breakup with Vivian ‘It hurt her more than anything else in her life since the infant death of her firstborn, Nevada,’ who died at just 10 weeks old from sudden infant death syndrome.

To make matters worse, in 2020 she tweeted: “I fully support trans people but all these pronouns are an aesthetic nightmare.” And: “Pronouns suck.”

Vivian was born in 2004 in California, the twin of her brother Griffin, to Musk and his first wife Justine, whose maiden name Wilson she has now adopted.

All of Musk’s children attended the expensive Crossroads Elementary and Middle School in Santa Monica, where annual tuition costs up to $50,000.

The owner of X, who recently committed $45 million a month to a Super Pac supporting Donald Trump in the 2024 election, believes he was tricked into letting his son transition.

The owner of X, who recently committed $45 million a month to a Super Pac supporting Donald Trump in the 2024 election, believes he was tricked into letting his son transition.

Vivian, along with all her siblings, was educated at the expensive Crossroads School in Santa Monica.

Vivian, along with all her siblings, was educated at the expensive Crossroads School in Santa Monica.

Although he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her and her siblings’ education, the pair are reportedly not close and text messages reveal she tried to hide her true gender identity from her father for several years.

On top of that, he has since publicly criticized her and her political views, stating that she believes all rich people are evil.

Vivian filed the petition just three days after her 18th birthday, though the court documents were not made public until the day after Father’s Day.

In a tweet posted the night her daughter’s petition was granted, mother Justine said: “I had a strange childhood,” my 18-year-old daughter told me.

“I can’t believe I look as normal as I am.” “I’m so proud of you,” I said. “I’m proud of myself!”

Meanwhile, on Father’s Day, Musk tweeted before his remarks were revealed: “I love all my kids so much.”

She was a reserved woman and was not seen in public until several months after her request was granted.

Vivian reportedly came out as transgender via text message to her aunt when she was 16, but implored her not to tell her father about her gender identity: “Hey, I’m transgender and my name is Jenna now. Don’t tell my dad.”

Musk said during an interview with the FT in 2020 that while his relationship with his daughter “may change… I have very good relationships with all the other (children).”

“You can’t always win,” he added.

More recently, he told his biographer that his attempts to woo her have been unsuccessful.

“I’ve made a lot of advances to her, but she doesn’t want to spend time with me,” he said.

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