Home US Donald Trump Jr claims Democrats have turned America into a ‘f***ing third world’ as he rages over his father’s ‘quiet money’ guilty verdict in hours-long Twitter meltdown

Donald Trump Jr claims Democrats have turned America into a ‘f***ing third world’ as he rages over his father’s ‘quiet money’ guilty verdict in hours-long Twitter meltdown

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Donald Trump's eldest son, Donald Jr., waves from his father's motorcade as he travels between Trump Tower and Manhattan Criminal Court.

Donald Trump’s eldest son has declared the United States a “f***ing third world” in a Twitter meltdown that lasted hours after his father’s felony conviction.

Former President Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records after a very brief deliberation and will be sentenced on July 11.

Donald Trump Jr, 46, tweeted “nonsense” at 5:09 p.m. Thursday as the verdict was read in Manhattan Criminal Court, and it was drawn up minutes later.

‘Guilty on all charges. The Democrats have been successful in their years-long attempt to turn America into a third world shithole. November 5 is our last chance to save it,’ he stated.

There is no evidence for Trump’s daily claim that the prosecution was orchestrated by President Joe Biden or anyone in his administration.

Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr., waves from his father’s motorcade as he travels between Trump Tower and Manhattan Criminal Court.

1717122102 685 Donald Trump Jr claims Democrats have turned America into a

Trump Jr. declared America a “f***ing third world” in a Twitter meltdown that lasted hours after his father’s felony conviction.

Trump Jr’s next move was to make the equally baseless claim that the trial amounted to election interference.

‘The sentencing is 4 days before the Republican Convention… They are not even trying to hide ELECTORAL INTERFERENCE!!!!’ he wrote.

The sentencing date is exactly six weeks from the date of your conviction, which is standard in criminal cases and can be delayed by the judge.

Trump Jr continued with his father’s hackneyed complaints about the case, this time about the work of Judge Juan Merchán and his daughter Loren in a political consulting firm that in the past did work for Democratic candidates.

‘This case was rigged from the beginning. Remember, the same hacks in the media demanding that Judge Alito recuse himself over a flag have no problem with the corrupt judge in this case being a Joe Biden donor or his daughter making millions from the Democrats! he wrote.

The slander that Merchan is “corrupt” is also not supported by any evidence.

Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records after a very brief deliberation and will be sentenced on July 11.

Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records after a very brief deliberation and will be sentenced on July 11.

Trump Jr’s reference to US Supreme Court Justice Alito involves an inverted American flag flying outside his home in the days after the January 6 insurrection, and the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag the year past.

The flags are associated with the debunked conspiracy theory that Trump and his fans continue to support that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Some of Trump’s opponents called for Alito to recuse himself from any case involving Trump’s own alleged election fraud, for which he is being prosecuted in Georgia.

Alito has refused to recuse himself.

Trump Jr returned to this topic in a later tweet: “Because Merchan was never an impartial judge who cared about the rule of law.” He is a full-fledged Democratic activist and Biden donor.”

Trump Jr. then declared, “This is what a Third World Banana Republic looks like,” a phrase many of the former president’s supporters used in the hours after the verdict.

A banana republic (not the clothing chain) is a country with an economy that depends almost entirely on the export of its natural resources.

Normally, the country is under the control of a ruling class that exploits the rest through close cooperation with exporting monopolies.

Trump Jr then adopted a more hopeful and progressive tone, rallying his father’s supporters toward the presidential election.

“Let’s defeat The Swamp and save America on November 5th,” he wrote.

‘The left is willing to destroy our Republic to stop Trump and maintain their power – On November 5th – Let’s show them we won’t let them get away with this!’

Trump Jr's reference to US Supreme Court Justice Alito involves an inverted American flag flying outside his home in the days after the January 6 insurrection, and the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag the year past (pictured).

Trump Jr’s reference to US Supreme Court Justice Alito involves an inverted American flag flying outside his home in the days after the January 6 insurrection, and the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag the year past (pictured).

Some of Trump's opponents called on Alito to recuse himself from any case involving Trump's own alleged election fraud, for which he is being prosecuted in Georgia.

Some of Trump’s opponents called on Alito to recuse himself from any case involving Trump’s own alleged election fraud, for which he is being prosecuted in Georgia.

Finally, Trump Jr retweeted a post that compared Trump’s conviction to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in terms of historical significance.

“This is 100% correct,” he wrote.

Each of the charges Trump faces carries a potential maximum sentence of up to four years in prison.

The trial included five weeks of dramatic evidence and 22 witnesses were questioned on the stand.

This is the first time that a former president of the United States faces a criminal trial.

Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential candidate and will face Joe Biden in the November election.

It means the verdict could upend the race for the White House in 2024 and constitute a pivotal moment in American history.

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