Home US Doctor ‘warns influencer and her friends they may have to have their toes amputated’ after being in a bucket of ice and salt for an online ‘challenge’

Doctor ‘warns influencer and her friends they may have to have their toes amputated’ after being in a bucket of ice and salt for an online ‘challenge’

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The doctors

Doctors have warned an influencer and her friends that they may have to have their toes amputated after being left in a bucket of ice and salt for a bizarre online “challenge”.

Stunning reality TV star MC Thammy and her two friends Teus Neiff and Artur Braz suffered first and second degree burns after attempting the challenge in Pernambuco, Brazil.

The trio had kept their feet submerged in a bucket of ice and coarse salt, causing their toes to turn black as they were reduced to tears from the pain.

The endurance challenge of the reality show ‘N1 Influencers’ was presented by singer Anderson Neiff, known for promoting challenges for his followers, on April 6.

According to the singer, the entire challenge was carried out under the supervision of a firefighter.

TV star MC Thammy was “warned by doctors that she and her friends would have to have their toes amputated” after taking part in an online “challenge”.

The challenge, presented by singer Anderson Neiff, was presented to the participants of the N1 Influencers reality show.

The challenge, presented by singer Anderson Neiff, was presented to the participants of the N1 Influencers reality show.

The trio remained in a bucket of ice and salt for 15 minutes.

They were left crying after the challenge.

Along with Thammy, Teus Neiff and Artur Braz also participated in the challenge that caused them first and second degree burns.

The trio were rushed to the hospital when their toes turned black and they experienced excruciating pain.

The trio were rushed to the hospital when their toes turned black and they experienced excruciating pain.

During the challenge, the three influencers kept their feet in an ice cube with salt for 15 minutes as a stupid test of physical and mental endurance.

However, the results were immediately alarming. Shortly after the end of the “test”, the competitors suffered acute and painful reactions that caused significant burns.

Thammy posed for an updated photo after being injured in the challenge. She has since left the reality show.

Thammy posed for an updated photo after being injured in the challenge. She has since left the reality show.

As a result, their limbs almost had to be amputated.

On social networks, the influencers revealed their suffering through videos in which they appear crying and showing their severe burns and blisters on their feet.

Anderson said in a statement made on Instagram: “As soon as they took their feet away, they started screaming a lot. [saying] It was burning, they cried a lot.

“I was in shock and the firefighter said ‘no, it’s okay, just put him here in front of the fan.'”

The two men were treated and taken to private hospitals.

Thammy reportedly returned to the house where the challenge was being filmed, but also had to be taken to the hospital due to severe pain in her foot.

She said on Instagram: “I asked the doctor: ‘Is there a risk of losing my toe?’ I felt like she was feeling it.

Artur Braz revealed his pain on social networks with a video in which he appears crying. He reportedly remains hospitalized at the Royal Portuguese Hospital in downtown Recife, Brazil.

Artur Braz revealed his pain on social networks with a video in which he appears crying. He reportedly remains hospitalized at the Royal Portuguese Hospital in downtown Recife, Brazil.

Their toes became swollen

The influencers were left with severe pain from the burns

A doctor warned influencers that they may have had to have their toes amputated due to the risk of thrombosis

Anderson took responsibility for the incident. In a public statement, he expressed his regret over the incident and promised full support to the victims, including payment of necessary medical expenses.

Anderson took responsibility for the incident. In a public statement, he expressed his regret over the incident and promised full support to the victims, including payment of necessary medical expenses.

Why is the challenge so dangerous?

The mixture of salt, water, ice and body heat creates a unique chemical reaction that reduces the temperature of the ice to -28°C.

Holding something that cold directly against your skin will cause a complete burn after just two or three minutes.

Frostbite takes time to develop, as blood slowly crystallizes and causes damage, but the challenge of salt and ice causes injury much more quickly, damaging skin and nerve endings in the process.

“Three of my toes turned black when I took them out of the bucket, and he said ‘yes’ and told me I was at risk for thrombosis.”

Thammy, who left the reality show, and Teus, who remains in the competition, were discharged Sunday and are receiving care at home.

Artur reportedly remains hospitalized at the Royal Portuguese Hospital in central Recife.

His current state of health is unknown at this time.

Anderson, in turn, took responsibility for the incident.

In a public statement, he expressed his regret over the incident and promised full support to the victims, including covering necessary medical expenses.

He said: ‘I take the blame because I came up with the idea for the challenge.

‘Unfortunately, the firefighter did not warn me about what could have happened.

“I sincerely apologize for having posed this challenge, for having hired an unprepared firefighter.”

Additionally, on Instagram, Anderson shared a video of Teus being taken home with his feet bandaged and talked about his health.

He added: “The doctor said he won’t be able to walk for three days.”

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