Home US Pilots and flight attendants reveal the most shocking reasons they have had for kicking passengers off a plane: from drunk “imbeciles” who ABUSE staff to a man who was watching PORN with “a young girl.”

Pilots and flight attendants reveal the most shocking reasons they have had for kicking passengers off a plane: from drunk “imbeciles” who ABUSE staff to a man who was watching PORN with “a young girl.”

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The discussion broke out in the Reddit thread simply titled Flying when a user asked crew members: 'Have you ever kicked a passenger off your flight?'

Airplane pilots have revealed the most shocking reasons they have had for kicking passengers off a plane.

The discussion broke out in the Reddit thread titled simply Flying when a user asked the crew members: ‘HHave you ever kicked a passenger off your flight?

He explained: “This morning I came across a lot of videos on YouTube of passengers complaining about being kicked out for numerous reasons.”

And sure enough, the publication was soon inundated with astonishing stories about drunk ‘morons’ and passengers watching pornography.

The discussion broke out in the Reddit thread simply titled Flying when a user asked crew members: ‘Have you ever kicked a passenger off your flight?’

The publication was soon inundated with astonishing stories about drunk 'morons' and passengers watching porn (archive image)

The publication was soon inundated with astonishing stories about drunk ‘morons’ and passengers watching porn (archive image)

In the original post, which recently resurfaced, the user asked: ‘I was wondering if any of you ever kicked passengers out and why? And have you ever gotten in trouble for that?

It was flooded with comments and most shared that drunk passengers were the main reason.

One person wrote: ‘Yes. I’ve started a few over the years. Mainly for being drunk before boarding.

‘Removing a passenger is something that is not taken lightly, because you know it will end up being a story.

“Make sure you follow all company procedures and there will be nothing they can tell you or do.”

Another commented: ‘Yes. This morning. She took too many pills and drank too much. She could barely walk; I have no idea how they got past the gate agent.

They unloaded them and we had to wait a while to collect their bags. There was a 64 minute delay because of that.

A third person added: “Stewardess here, but I have had people removed for intoxication, aggression, failure to follow instructions from crew members, sick passengers, etc.”

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1713460212 460 Pilots and flight attendants reveal the most shocking reasons they

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1713460213 591 Pilots and flight attendants reveal the most shocking reasons they

1713460214 944 Pilots and flight attendants reveal the most shocking reasons they

The post was flooded with comments with most sharing that drunk passengers were the main reason.

The post was flooded with comments with most sharing that drunk passengers were the main reason.

“Pilots don’t really have to deal with passengers during the flight, but we do, so it’s best to remove people if we think they will cause more problems in the air.”

Someone else wrote: ‘Three things get worse with altitude. Attitudes, imbeciles and alcoholics. It is best to leave them on the ground.

Elsewhere, another spoke shockingly: ‘Guy fucking under a blanket watching porn on his phone. He made the young woman sitting next to him feel a little uncomfortable. He seemed very surprised that the police came to move him to a better place.

“By the way, I wouldn’t use the airplane blankets.”

Another added: ‘Yes, twice in 15 years. One was a very, very aggressive Dutchman, the other was a very, very, very high guy who was so high that he couldn’t even sit in his seat without causing a scene.

One shared: ‘Oh yeah, a drunk lady who punched the gate agent and then decided to show me that I would get her a seat on the plane.

‘Drunk pregnant woman pouring her own wine.

‘One guy who brought his own mixed drinks, was warned during boarding and acted obediently until we backed away.

He then poured himself another drink and mocked the stewardess that she couldn’t stop him now.

‘A guy smoking marijuana in the bathroom mid-flight and setting off the bathroom smoke alarms. We had the police wait for us at the door.

‘All decisions supported by the rest of the crew and the airline. No, I do not fly by the Spirit.’

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1713460216 211 Pilots and flight attendants reveal the most shocking reasons they

But the revelations didn't end there, as another surprisingly spoke up: 'Guy fucking under a blanket watching porn on his phone.'

But the revelations didn’t end there, as another surprisingly spoke up: ‘Guy fucking under a blanket watching porn on his phone.’

But the revelations did not end there.

One person wrote: ‘My last offloaded passenger was someone who forced open a fire emergency door in the terminal to access our plane.

‘The passenger in question arrived late at the gate after gate agents closed the flight and was no longer present at the gate.

‘We were about to close the doors when the cabin manager asked why a passenger had boarded after completing boarding.

‘After some research, it was [discovered that] He had forced the fire escape, accessed the platform and, therefore, our plane, without having been properly checked in.

‘Airport security regulations and laws were violated in the process.

“They called the police to get him off the plane and the last thing I know, they arrested him.”

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