Home Australia Bailiffs raid chef Marco Pierre White’s grand country hotel demanding immediate payment “of his son’s restaurant business debt” after project collapses, leaving investors £300,000 out of pocket

Bailiffs raid chef Marco Pierre White’s grand country hotel demanding immediate payment “of his son’s restaurant business debt” after project collapses, leaving investors £300,000 out of pocket

Guests visiting Marco Pierre White's Rudloe Arms (pictured) are told on their website that

Guests visiting Marco Pierre White’s Rudloe Arms are told on its website to “expect good old-fashioned hospitality”. So it must have come as a surprise to those at the country hotel near Bath when bailiffs arrived.

They were armed with a court order demanding immediate payment for goods and services, I can reveal.

The recent incident is understood to be linked to the debts of Marco’s son Luciano, whose own restaurant business recently collapsed leaving investors £300,000 out of pocket.

Last night a source said: ‘Marco has been completely dumped by his son. Law enforcement officers entered the hotel when customers were there.

‘Marco knows how to run a successful business and his management staff would never have allowed an unpaid invoice to get to this stage.

Guests visiting Marco Pierre White’s Rudloe Arms (pictured) are told on its website to “expect good old-fashioned hospitality”. So it must have come as a surprise to those at the country hotel near Bath when bailiffs arrived.

It is believed officers arrived at Rudloe (pictured) because Marco's son Luciano had given that address in Companies House records.

It is believed officers arrived at Rudloe (pictured) because Marco’s son Luciano had given that address in Companies House records.

Marco and his son Luciano Pierre White at a restaurant in Dorchester in December 2020

Marco and his son Luciano Pierre White at a restaurant in Dorchester in December 2020

Disgraced former BHS boss Dominic Chappell has been returned to jail after being caught secretly running a restaurant chain with the son of celebrity chef Marco Pierre White.

Disgraced former BHS boss Dominic Chappell has been returned to jail after being caught secretly running a restaurant chain with the son of celebrity chef Marco Pierre White.

‘But Luciano knows almost nothing about management and, evidently, he or his partners have ignored the payment demands. Marco will be furious.

It is believed officers arrived at the Rudloe because Luciano had given that address in Companies House records.

Luciano, 34, set up three restaurants after the pandemic.

His father helped launch the first, in Dorchester, Dorset, and others in Woking and Exeter followed.

All three crashed, although the Dorchester facility has since reopened under new management.

Last month we revealed that former BHS boss Dominic Chappell, who last year was released from prison halfway through a six-year sentence for tax fraud, had been recalled to prison after secretly overseeing Luciano’s chain in breach of his parole conditions.

Chappell, 56, bought BHS from Sir Philip Green for £1 before it collapsed with the loss of 11,000 jobs.

Despite being banned from running businesses, the embarrassed businessman teamed up with his close friend Marco Pierre White and his son Luciano Pierre White, 34, also a chef, to help launch three Italian restaurants, only for the chain to close. with huge debts.

An exterior of Marco Pierre White's former restaurant in Leicester Square which was taken over by squatters

An exterior of Marco Pierre White’s former restaurant in Leicester Square which was taken over by squatters

The entrance doors to the property that had been padlocked (pictured)

The entrance doors to the property that had been padlocked (pictured)

Inside Marco Pierre White's former restaurant, where up to 400 squatters stayed

Inside Marco Pierre White’s former restaurant, where up to 400 squatters stayed

Mr Chappell ran it as a “consultant” while he was on parole, appointing his associates as directors.

Following a warning, he was called to HMP Guys Marsh in Dorset in March for breaching the conditions of his licence.

Marco’s spokesperson made it clear that this was a matter for Luciano, who, like the officials, we have not been able to contact.

This comes after it emerged that squatters were evicted from Mr White’s abandoned steak and pizza restaurant in the heart of London’s West End.

The group, which moved in a week earlier, padlocked the doors and posted a sign warning that they cannot be evicted without a court order since the building was empty.

Up to “400” people lived in the four-storey building in Leicester Square before neighbors noticed them “queuing for what looked like a big party” and alerted the council.

The popular restaurant, which sold cuts of meat for £20, bowls of pasta for £15 and salads for £8.50, had undergone a £1.5 million refurbishment before closing earlier this year.

Police then evicted the squatters, after officers responded to a separate complaint about “rats and mice coming from that building.”

The chef's other son, Marco Pierre White Jr (pictured), revealed in an exclusive interview with MailOnline that he had converted to Islam during his time in prison and is now determined to change his life.

The chef’s other son, Marco Pierre White Jr (pictured), revealed in an exclusive interview with MailOnline that he had converted to Islam during his time in prison and is now determined to change his life.

White Jr, pictured leaving HMP Bristol this week, was sentenced to a year in jail for theft, racial abuse of a supermarket security guard, possession of a knife and possession of heroin.

White Jr, pictured leaving HMP Bristol this week, was sentenced to a year in jail for theft, racial abuse of a supermarket security guard, possession of a knife and possession of heroin.

Last year, the chef’s other son, Marco Pierre White Jr, was released from prison and vowed never to touch drugs again after spending more than £1million on rehab, and also revealed he had converted to Islam to help him stay clean. .

The 28-year-old was freed after a year in jail for shoplifting, possessing a knife, possessing heroin and racially abusing a supermarket security guard.

But the Celebrity Big Brother star said he was being supported by his father, a celebrity chef, after becoming Muslim as he struggles to “stay clean” and reform years of drug abuse that began when he was just 13.

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