Home Australia ‘ANTI-workaholic’ details how you can QUIT your ‘soul-sucking’ 9 to 5 job and bring home a ‘seven-figure’ salary while doing ‘very little’ work

‘ANTI-workaholic’ details how you can QUIT your ‘soul-sucking’ 9 to 5 job and bring home a ‘seven-figure’ salary while doing ‘very little’ work

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An anti-workaholic has revealed how you can ditch office life and do

An anti-workaholic has revealed how you can ditch office life and do “very little work” while still earning a “seven figure” salary at home.

Laura Anderson is a digital marketing consultant from Florida who has amassed more than 463,000 followers on TikTok by sharing tips on how to make money with hardly any work and advising people to take advantage of the “GPT Chat gold rush.”

While speaking to DailyMail.com recently, the 34-year-old detailed the skills that would help him leave his desk job behind for good.

Laura revealed how changing your mindset could help you become financially free without being tied to an office job.

An anti-workaholic has revealed how you can ditch office life and do “very little work” while still earning a “seven figure” salary at home.

Laura Anderson is a digital marketing consultant from Florida who has amassed more than 463,000 followers on TikTok by sharing tips on how to make money with hardly any work.

Laura Anderson is a digital marketing consultant from Florida who has amassed more than 463,000 followers on TikTok by sharing tips on how to make money with hardly any work.

Laura explained that the new digital age could help many people leave corporate life and acquire a new skill that would allow them to make more money.

The consultant told DailyMail.com: ‘Fortunately, we live in the digital age where you can learn virtually anything online, which for me personally has removed the barrier to entry when it comes to learning anything. You don’t need a degree when the Internet is free education, literally at your fingertips.

‘Right now, a degree almost seems criminal when you have to go into mountains of debt to learn something that can already be learned online, and then it doesn’t even guarantee you a job, especially when companies now value experience more than a degree.

“The digital age has also eliminated the need for a nine-to-five structure – most jobs can be done simply from a computer, and that became very evident during the pandemic – people were able to continue working from home without skipping a break. defeat.’

Laura has been trying to get everyone out of the “soul-sucking” nine-to-five lifestyle so that they, too, can do “very little” work while making money.

He explained that he wanted to quit his office job because he found he had very little free time.

‘For me there is nothing more absorbing than the 9 to 5 lifestyle. Having to be somewhere five days a week, knowing that if it’s a good day I can’t go out and enjoy it, I have to go to the office is heartbreaking,” Laura said.

‘Having to use my lunch break to go to the doctor or run an errand because I don’t have any other time to do it, is just not a fulfilling life in my opinion. And I think we’ve been sold the lie that you have to get a degree and work nine to five to be successful. You can learn a digital trade/skill, promote yourself, book clients and work for yourself.’

While speaking to DailyMail.com, the 34-year-old detailed the three skills that will help him leave his desk job behind for good.

While speaking to DailyMail.com, the 34-year-old detailed the three skills that will help him leave his desk job behind for good.

Laura revealed that choosing a life in the digital trades and changing your mindset could help you become financially free without being tied to an office job.

Laura revealed that choosing a life in the digital trades and changing your mindset could help you become financially free without being tied to an office job.

Speaking to DailyMail.com, he revealed the skills you can learn online to escape your desk job.

‘On the Internet there is unlimited information and you can learn any digital trade. “There are so many digital crafts that people already have and do in their current jobs that they don’t even realize they could do it on their own,” Laura said.

“Some great digital trades to learn are media buying, SEO, copywriting, graphic design, coding, social media management, and UX design.”

Laura recommended fully immersing yourself in learning a new skill by taking a course, reading about the topic, and watching YouTube videos.

The expert also advised positioning yourself as an expert, because “now that you’ve learned the skill, you can become the go-to person for that skill by promoting yourself and establishing a foundation.”

His third tip is getting clients, which he called “the hardest part.”

Fortunately, Laura said, “There are plenty of contract opportunities for these skills on places like Upwork, LinkedIn, and Indeed.”

He explained that the biggest disadvantage of the corporate lifestyle was the lack of a “work-life balance.”

He noted that once you left the desk job, you could use AI to your advantage and would soon find yourself living the life you had always dreamed of.

He explained that the new digital age could help many people leave corporate life and acquire a new skill that would allow them to earn more money.

He explained that the new digital age could help many people leave corporate life and acquire a new skill that would allow them to earn more money.

Laura, who calls herself 'the queen of outsourcing', manages to earn more than six figures a month

Laura, who calls herself ‘the queen of outsourcing’, manages to earn more than six figures a month

“Leaving that environment allows you to work only the actual time needed to get the job done,” Laura told DailyMail.com.

“Plus, with AI technology it has never been easier to work smarter, harder, and do twice as much work in half the time.

‘Getting out of a nine-to-five also solves the salary cap. When you work for yourself, you can take on as much or as little work as you want, meaning the sky’s the limit when it comes to earning potential.’

While Laura noted that there was no way to make work “100 percent passive,” there were things that could be done that required little effort and still build wealth.

Laura, who calls herself “the queen of outsourcing,” now manages to earn more than six figures each month from media buying, which involves running ads for clients on social media platforms.

However, she hires people to help her perform these tasks, which allows her to take on more clients.

‘So, take any digital skills, book clients and pay someone else to do the work. And put AI automation systems in place to streamline everything,” he stated.

Finally, Laura said you need to change your mindset to free yourself from the shackles of a nine-to-five job.

‘Mentality plays a very important role. Knowing what is obtainable and that an office job is not your only option will really allow you to make big changes and make things happen. But some real, workable changes would be to spend an hour or two each day learning something that will take you out of your nine-to-five,” he told DailyMail.com.

The anti-workaholic also says that if you are consistent, within six months your life will be transformed forever.

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