Home US A no-nonsense woman orders a loving couple out of her apartment complex after she caught them trying to have sex in her community pool

A no-nonsense woman orders a loving couple out of her apartment complex after she caught them trying to have sex in her community pool

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A Houston woman filmed herself scolding a couple for having intense sex in a community pool

A Houston woman filmed herself scolding a couple for being hot and overweight at a community pool.

Star Bella Hairdresser She pulled out her phone to shame the couple, whom she described as “neighbors” in a caption.

In the video, she calls them disgusting and points out how the woman in the pool appears to have her panties off.

The post was published on Wednesday evening and has already received more than 10,000 views.

The video was filmed from her own balcony in the private gated community in the city’s Midwest neighborhood, and her tirade was filled with expletives, ultimately ending with the couple running away. She went on to explain what happened in a statement, describing it as only 7:45 a.m. when it occurred.

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A Houston woman filmed herself scolding a couple for having intense sex in a community pool

Hairstylist Star Bella pulled out her phone to shame the couple, hitting them with an expletive-laden reprimand.

Hairstylist Star Bella pulled out her phone to shame the couple, hitting them with an expletive-laden reprimand.

—Hey, I definitely just called security to have you both fucking asses laid down while you’re standing here taking off your dirty panties in that damn water, — Bella begins, after slamming open the balcony door in apparent frustration.

“It’s disgusting. Children are getting into that damn pool,” she continues shouting for everyone to hear.

“You need to put your filthy panties back on, jump your ass over that fucking balcony again (and) get out of that fucking pool because this is disgusting.”

At that point, she takes the camera away from the couple, apparently out of respect, as they listen to her reprimand in full view of the rest of the residents.

“Of all the places you can have sex, you’re going to choose to have it here, in the fucking pool? It’s fucking shit… and so dirty. In a pool with chlorine?” he asks.

“Okay, I took your video and security is on the way,” he quickly adds, before showing an image of the couple frantically exiting the pool before seemingly heading to another apartment.

It was filmed from his own balcony in the private gated community in the city's Mid West neighborhood.

It was filmed from his own balcony in the private gated community in the city’s Mid West neighborhood.

As the clip continues to go viral, DailyMail.com has contacted the resort for more information.

In addition to a swimming pool, it houses a community gym and offers rentals in the form of studios or 1- or 2-bedroom apartments, with prices ranging from about $1,100 per month to $2,000.

DailyMail.com also reached out to Bella for comment and she provided a rundown of exactly what happened.

“It had to be around 7:45 a.m.,” he said in an exclusive interview.

‘I usually get up at that time anyway just to make breakfast and stuff, but I heard so many voices, so much noise, coming from the middle of our pool.

So I poked my head out and it looked like they were partying, like, “hee hee ha ha,” so I said, “Hey, it’s early, can you please keep your voices down?”

‘And I closed the door and went back in.

‘About 5 or 10 minutes passed and I still heard them. This time I saw them again. Two of them had jumped from the balcony into the pool and I heard them earlier on the balcony, making noise.

“So again, when I go back to the pool, it’s two: a boy and a girl,” he continued.

‘So, I stood there for a while and thought, let me record them, just for fun.

‘While I’m filming them in the pool while they’re kissing, the girl takes off her panties.

“I’m just shocked. I can’t believe it. I really can’t believe it,” she said.

Now, I was fine with them being at the pool at 7:45 in the morning; the pool doesn’t open until 10. I was fine with that, but don’t make so much noise, because I’m paying to live here and I don’t want to hear all that.

At the end, the girl was taking off her panties and that made me freak out. I was like, “Oh, no.” And that’s when you saw me coming through the screen doors struggling to open the glass door and that’s when I broke them. That’s what happened.”

Revealing she was not angry with her neighbours, she said her “main concern (was) that the children would look out the window to see him”.

“You’re not just having sex, it’s like you’re taking off your panties,” she said.

‘That’s pretty much where I was.

“I’m not angry with him. I don’t want them to be thrown out or anything like that.”

“I posted my neighbours’ video on TikTok 5 minutes ago,” she wrote on Facebook the day before. “It already has 5,000 views.”

“$34,000 now,” he added an hour later, though the couple’s name was not revealed. In the end, he did not complain, he said.

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