Home Australia A mother is demanding justice after her 15-year-old son needed surgery following an alleged assault by several adults at a youth football carnival

A mother is demanding justice after her 15-year-old son needed surgery following an alleged assault by several adults at a youth football carnival

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A mother is demanding justice after her 15-year-old son was allegedly attacked by several adults at a youth football carnival (file image)
  • Teenager to undergo surgery after alleged attack at football carnival
  • Mother of a boy says she wants justice for her 15-year-old son
  • Mother reports that her son was attacked by several adults

An Australian mother is demanding justice after her 15-year-old son was allegedly assaulted by several adults at a youth football carnival in an attack that left him needing surgery.

Police are investigating the incident that left Blake Cubby-Francisco with a broken collarbone following an alleged assault at Rowden Park in St George, Queensland, on June 27.

The teenager’s mother, Kylie Francisco, claimed her son was watching his nephew compete in a youth rugby league carnival when he saw his relative get hurt.

He said Blake went to the sidelines, where his nephew’s coach abused him.

A mother is demanding justice after her 15-year-old son was allegedly attacked by several adults at a youth football carnival (file image)

Blake Cubby-Francisco was left with a broken collarbone following the alleged incident at Rowden Park in St George, Queensland (file image)

Blake Cubby-Francisco was left with a broken collarbone following the alleged incident at Rowden Park in St George, Queensland (file image)

Ms. Francisco said her son said something back to her and a man followed Blake as he walked away.

She said her son does not remember whether he was grabbed or tripped, but said witnesses claim to have seen four men on top of her son behind an ice cream truck parked nearby.

During the alleged fight, Blake suffered a broken collarbone and sustained facial injuries.

Ms Francisco was shocked to learn that her son, who will undergo collarbone surgery on Monday, was allegedly assaulted by adults.

“This could have been avoided,” said Mrs. Francisco. News Corporation.

“Now my son has to undergo surgery on Monday… they have to put a plate in his shoulder.”

Police have confirmed they are still investigating the incident and have not filed any charges.

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