Home Australia A 49-Year-Old Fitness Trainer Who Looks DECADES Younger Reveals the Exact Workout Plan She Follows to Trim 10 YEARS Off Her Look

A 49-Year-Old Fitness Trainer Who Looks DECADES Younger Reveals the Exact Workout Plan She Follows to Trim 10 YEARS Off Her Look

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Fitness trainer Tracy Campoli, 49, detailed the exact training plan she follows to look 10 years younger in a new video shared on her YouTube channel.

A 49-year-old trainer has revealed the exact exercise plan she follows to stay in shape and look 10 years younger.

Tracy Campoli, founder of the Total Body Transformation program, has more than 205,000 subscribers to it Youtube channelwhere he shares fitness and lifestyle videos.

The content creator, who has been a certified trainer for over 25 years, recently opened up about how her approach to working out changed as she got older.

“We can all agree that after 40, things start to change, and often not for the better, especially when it comes to our bodies and, specifically, wanting to be in shape,” she said.

Fitness trainer Tracy Campoli, 49, detailed the exact training plan she follows to look 10 years younger in a new video shared on her YouTube channel.

Fitness trainer Tracy Campoli, 49, detailed the exact training plan she follows to look 10 years younger in a new video shared on her YouTube channel.

The former dancer explained that the workouts she used to do when she was 20 (pictured) no longer work for her now that she is over 40.

The former dancer explained that the workouts she used to do when she was 20 (pictured) no longer work for her now that she is over 40.

The former dancer explained that the workouts she used to do when she was 20 no longer work for her now that she is over 40 (pictured).

The former dancer explained that the workouts she used to do when she was 20 no longer work for her now that she is over 40 (pictured).

The former dancer explained that the workouts she used to do when she was 20 (left) no longer work for her now that she is over 40 (right).

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1709661382 844 A 49 Year Old Fitness Trainer Who Looks DECADES Younger Reveals the

‘I don’t do longer workouts anymore. I keep it to 30 minutes, especially when I do cardio,” she said. ‘That’s it. That’s enough.’

“Those workouts that you probably did and really enjoyed and got amazing results from when you were 20, probably aren’t giving you the same results now that you’re 40.”

Campoli went on to describe the things he does to stay in shape as he approaches 50, saying he does a variety of workouts for 30 minutes at a time.

Stop doing long workouts

Tracy’s Training Dos and Don’ts

  • Stop doing long workouts
  • Incorporate HIIT workouts
  • Do a variety of workouts.
  • Listen to your body
  • Incorporate pleasure into your workouts

Campoli first advised against doing ‘long workouts,’ saying they are unnecessary and could inhibit results.

‘I don’t do longer workouts anymore. I keep it to 30 minutes, especially when I do cardio,” she said. ‘That’s it. That’s enough.’

The fitness guru admitted that when she was 20, she thought her workouts needed to last at least 90 minutes to be effective, but she now knows that’s not the case.

“Research and science have really shown that 30-minute workouts are more effective than longer workouts, and there’s a reason behind that,” he explained.

‘In the first 30 minutes is when you have the most energy. You are more willing to give everything you have and can really challenge yourself more. So the biggest benefits you receive from a workout come in those first 30 minutes.’

Campoli said that if you’re someone like her who is “super busy” and has a “really full life,” you should be delighted to know that you don’t have to exercise for as long as you thought.

However, she clarified that this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take an hour-long dance class you enjoy or book a 60-minute session with your trainer.

“What I’m saying is, if you’re constantly doing these 60- or 90-minute workouts and you’re not seeing results, I want you to try it on for size,” he said.

Campoli added that you should pay attention to how your training makes you feel when taking note of your results.

‘Do you feel more energetic? Do you feel more encouraged? Do you feel a more general sense of well-being? Think of that as benefits too,” she said. ‘It’s not just about our muscle tone. It’s also about how we feel.’

Campoli recommended mixing up your workouts to make sure you don't plateau and stay interested in what you're doing.

Campoli recommended mixing up your workouts to make sure you don't plateau and stay interested in what you're doing.

Campoli recommended mixing up your workouts to make sure you don’t plateau and stay interested in what you’re doing.

The founder of Total Body Transformation said she likes to do HIIT and Tabata workouts when she does cardio.

The founder of Total Body Transformation said she likes to do HIIT and Tabata workouts when she does cardio.

The founder of Total Body Transformation said she likes to do HIIT and Tabata workouts when she does cardio.

The founder of Total Body Transformation said she likes to do HIIT and Tabata workouts when she does cardio.

The founder of Total Body Transformation said she likes to do HIIT and Tabata workouts when she does cardio.

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1709661382 706 A 49 Year Old Fitness Trainer Who Looks DECADES Younger Reveals the

Campoli explained that Pilates tones the core and abdomen, but “it’s easy on the joints.”

Incorporate HIIT or Tabata workouts into your routine

Campoli explained that he likes to do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or Tabata, a more intense style of HIIT training, on days he does cardio.

“These workouts are really designed to get the most bang for our buck,” he said.

When performing a HIIT workout, you alternate between short periods of intense exercise and short recovery periods.

Tabata, a more specific type of HIIT training, It involves 20 seconds of pushing yourself to the limit followed by 10 seconds of rest.

“This doesn’t mean a high impact either,” the coach said. ‘So, if you’re saying it. “Well, Tracy, I have knee injuries.” No, no, no, I didn’t say high impact. I said high intensity.’

Campoli explained that you’ll still burn calories after doing a HIIT workout, which is important because your metabolism starts to slow down in your 40s.

“It’s really important that you give it everything you have and that the rest is integrated so that you don’t wreak havoc on your hormones,” she said.

Do a variety of different workouts.

Campoli recommended mixing up your workouts to make sure you don’t plateau and stay interested in what you’re doing.

He said doing a variety of exercises also challenges your body more and ensures you’re following a well-rounded program.

Campoli shared that he likes to do Pilates exercises every week, noting that it’s something you can do until you’re 80.

‘It’s easy on the joints, but also focuses a lot on the core and midsection. The core is the center of all movement,” he explained. ‘So If you like running, you like boxing, you like dancing, this is what matters.’

Campoli shared that when he wakes up each morning, he stops and asks himself, 'What does my body need?'

Campoli shared that when he wakes up each morning, he stops and asks himself, 'What does my body need?'

Campoli shared that when he wakes up each morning, he stops and asks himself, ‘What does my body need?’

The trainer said that when she feels stressed and in a bad mood, she will sweat it out with a HIIT workout. On days she needs gentle movement, she does yoga-inspired exercises.

The trainer said that when she feels stressed and in a bad mood, she will sweat it out with a HIIT workout. On days she needs gentle movement, she does yoga-inspired exercises.

The trainer said that when she feels stressed and in a bad mood, she will sweat it out with a HIIT workout. On days she needs gentle movement, she does yoga-inspired exercises.

The trainer said that when she feels stressed and in a bad mood, she will sweat it out with a HIIT workout. On days she needs gentle movement, she does yoga-inspired exercises.

The trainer said that when she feels stressed and in a bad mood, she will sweat it out with a HIIT workout. On days she needs gentle movement, she does yoga-inspired exercises.

There are also days when Campoli simply takes an hour-long walk and enjoys the Miami sun.

There are also days when Campoli simply takes an hour-long walk and enjoys the Miami sun.

There are also days when Campoli simply takes an hour-long walk and enjoys the Miami sun.

Listen to your body

Campoli said that when he wakes up each morning, he stops and asks himself, ‘What does my body need?’

“This is really important because we have different little creaks and aches…our body just changes after 40,” she explained. “I don’t force myself to do things that I don’t really feel like I have the ability to do.”

The trainer said that when she feels stressed and in a bad mood, she will sweat it out with a HIIT workout. On days she needs gentle movement, she does yoga-inspired stretches and exercises.

Yeah Need a boost of energy, you’ll hop on your rebounder to rev up your lymphatic system. There are also days when he just goes for an hour’s walk and enjoys the Miami sun.

Campoli insisted that “it’s not cheating” if you deviate from your scheduled plan in favor of a workout that gives you what you need that day.

“These little things seem small, but I tell you, (if you’re) over 40, they make a big difference in your fitness and also in your mindset,” he said.

Incorporate pleasure into your workouts

Campoli’s final tip was to find workouts that bring you joy most of the time.

“I make sure that my training is really something that I feel driven and called to do,” she said of her approach to fitness.

He admitted that he hates running and doesn’t enjoy boot camp-style training or instructors who don’t say anything and just look in the mirror.

“I always look for workouts that make me feel good, that make me smile, where I understand what I’m doing,” he said.

However, Campoli noted that there is a difference between a challenging workout and one you don’t really enjoy.

‘Let’s be honest. Who loves doing eight million squats? “I don’t, (but) I love the way my butt looks when I do a variety of different squats,” she explained.

‘I love the results I feel. I don’t love all the Pilates exercises, but I love how I feel when I leave that class.’

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