Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who faced incessant rumors about their marriage throughout 2024, have returned to the spotlight with their latest Netflix series, Polo. However, the project received disappointing reviews, leaving critics unimpressed and raising questions about the couple’s future.
According The Cut, writer Danielle Cohen criticized the Sussexes’ latest adventure, declaring: “Harry and Meghan’s projects can’t help but fail.” She compared the series’ disappointing performance to Markle’s previous struggles with her jam company, stating: “It looks like this one is destined for the same fate as Markle’s beleaguered jam company.”
Cohen further speculated on the impact of their recent failures, adding: “The negative response to the couple’s recent projects has raised questions about their future plans and roles.” Maureen Callahan of the daily mail He offered even sharper criticism, pointing out how America’s fascination with Harry and Meghan has faded dramatically.
“The United States has entered a new phase of this relationship. We don’t even talk to these two anymore. We have become completely disinterested. And that is the death knell for Brand Sussex.” she wrote.
Pointing to his previous Netflix series and Harry’s memoir, Spare, Callahan reflected: “Was it fun to hate-watch his first Netflix series, Meghan mocking his bow to the Queen, Harry looking mortified, both of them complaining incessantly? Of course! Was he dissecting Spare, with his humiliating revelations about freezing Harry…?
However, he stated that the entertainment value has disappeared and stated: “The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference and America has become bored.” Callahan painted a vivid picture of American disinterest, comparing the Sussexes to an unwanted guest at a party. “We have heard and seen it all.
We have become that party guest cornered by the whiny fool no one wants to talk to, haplessly looking around for a brighter conversationalist. Or at least a refill of champagne.
American royal commentator Lee Cohen echoed these sentiments, stating that while Harry and Meghan once “embodied a modern fairy tale,” their popularity in the United States has “cooled significantly.”
The criticism surrounding Polo highlights growing disillusionment with the couple’s post-royal endeavors. Once celebrated as trailblazers, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex now face the difficult task of regaining relevance to an increasingly indifferent audience.