Home Australia ‘Zionist satirist’ savages Palestinian UCLA protesters with fake video demanding ‘bananas without bananas’ and ‘gluten-free humanitarian aid’

‘Zionist satirist’ savages Palestinian UCLA protesters with fake video demanding ‘bananas without bananas’ and ‘gluten-free humanitarian aid’

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LE Staiman, whose real name is Eliyahu Noah 'Eli' Staiman, has taken on the recent events of pro-Palestinian protesters rampaging through university campuses across the country.

A self-proclaimed Zionist satirist named LE Staiman, whose real name is Eliyahu Noah ‘Eli’ Staiman, has taken the recent events of pro-Palestinian protesters rampaging across university campuses across the country to a new level.

The upstate native begins with a disclaimer condoning “any act of terror or negative action carried out by any group” and stating that the intent is “not to offend but to educate and raise awareness,” before dropping the sarcasm to his Almost 8,500 followers on Instagram.

‘As you know, many of the UCLA camps have been torn down. There are still some survivors and we desperately need humanitarian aid,” he says sitting under a mock tent in a post that went viral on Thursday.

‘We need bottles of water. “We need vegan food, we need gluten-free bagels, we need banana-free bananas if you have them,” said the comedian wearing a burnt orange keffiyeh around his neck, a scarf worn by Palestinians that became a symbol after the flag was removed. banned in the West Bank and Gaza.

LE Staiman, whose real name is Eliyahu Noah ‘Eli’ Staiman, has taken on the recent events of pro-Palestinian protesters rampaging through university campuses across the country.

Called for 'wheelchair accessible paragliders for some'

Called for ‘wheelchair accessible paragliders for some’

He also asked 'if anyone has enriched uranium'

He also asked ‘if anyone has enriched uranium’

He raised his arm as he said, 'Do not be discouraged' as a sign, 'From the River to the Sea,' hung in the background.

He raised his arm as he said, ‘Do not be discouraged’ as a sign, ‘From the River to the Sea,’ hung in the background.

A photo of LE Staiman protesting 'Gluten-free Palestine: ending the cost of challah'

A photo of LE Staiman protesting ‘Gluten-free Palestine: ending the cost of challah’

As he spoke, a sign that said: “From the river to the sea” hits him on the head. He turns around and says, ‘Stop it.’ Stop,” holding back a laugh.

He continues to repeat more needed items, using his hands to show the urgency of his request.

‘We need first aid kits. If someone has enriched uranium, it would be very useful or weapons-grade plutonium. A free range rocket launcher. We need a rocket launcher.

If anyone has those old SS uniforms from the 1940s. We need them!’

“We need wheelchair accessible paragliders for some of our disabled comrades,” he says.

‘Oh, watchtowers. We need watchtowers. If anyone has ever been to Poland and can get their hands on some watchtowers.

He raises his arm and continues his passionate plea, raising his voice in support. ‘We continue to fight the good fight on the front. Not discouraged. I think we’re pretty close. I think we are a couple of weeks away from liberating Palestine.

“I need to get back to my Ethics class, but I’ll see you all soon with more updates from camp.”

The post garnered more than 11 million views, with many joining in on the satire and ranting about what they can contribute.

‘Sending leftover matzah boxes,’ one person wrote as the Passover holiday ended earlier this week.

‘Bananas without bananas are on the way!!!!’ said another, while another reader wanted to know ‘why don’t they order watermelon?’

‘How about condoms so they don’t procreate?’ was another question that was asked.

As a devout admirer, he offered them his guillotine. “Maybe I have one on hand,” they said.

Many seemed to appreciate the comic relief in this uncertain time with more than 11,000 likes since Thursday.

‘Wheelchair accessible paragliders, ‘OMG Screaming!’ someone wrote.

“Satirical, but historically accurate,” said another.

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