Four boys from a Melbourne private school have been suspended after a list was posted on social media rating their female classmates.
The shocking list was posted by Year 11 students from Yarra Valley Grammar School in Ringwood on the Discord platform and was discovered by the school last Wednesday.
It featured photographs of students and ranked them from best to worst as ‘wives’, ‘beauties’, ‘mediums’, ‘objects’, ‘outlets’ and ‘inviolables’.
The students were suspended on Friday pending further investigation, Nine reports.
Yarra Valley Grammar principal Dr Mark Merry spoke to Nine on Sunday and described the post as “disgraceful”.
Four male students have been suspended from Yarra Valley High School (pictured) in Victoria, after they created a list rating their female classmates.
‘Mutual respect is in the DNA of this school, so this was a shock not only to us… but it was also a shock to the year level and the year level children who see this as very, very out of place. ,’ he said.
He said he was offended by the final category and has since reported the matter to the police to ensure the listing was not linked to any criminal offence.
‘As a parent, I find it absolutely scandalous, disgraceful and offensive. As a director, I need to make some decisions. [about] what do we do about it,” he said.
‘My first impulse and concern is the well-being of the girls affected. I want to make sure they feel safe and supported by the school.’
“We are going to consult the police because the language used could pose a threat.”

The list included photographs of students and ranked them from best to worst as ‘wives’, ‘beauties’, ‘mediums’, ‘objects’, ‘exits’ and ‘inviolables’ (archive image)
“I don’t think it was, but we need more advice on that… I hope it was a terrible error of judgement.”
It costs about $30,000 a year to send a student to the elite Ringwood private school, and Dr Merry said the school prides itself on teaching “respectful relationships.”
“We are very aware of the wider issues around respect for women… we need to do everything we can to ensure that young men understand their responsibilities and the limits of how they should behave,” she said.
Support is available from the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counseling Service at 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732).