Home Australia Quadriplegic footy star gets some miraculous news against all the odds three years on from horror accident that almost killed him

Quadriplegic footy star gets some miraculous news against all the odds three years on from horror accident that almost killed him

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A former soccer star has announced interesting news with his partner
  • Ryan Wiggins is ready to become a father
  • Soccer star suffered life-changing injuries
  • Against all odds you have received surprising news







Ryan Wiggins has received some incredible news: the quadriplegic former football star announced that he is expecting a baby with his partner, Lou Calvert.

Wiggins’ life changed in 2021 when he was the victim of a near-fatal accident in which he broke his spine and was admitted to the Royal Hobart Hospital’s ICU before being flown to Melbourne.

As a result, paternity seemed out of the question, but in a miraculous turn of events, those doubts were proven wrong.

“Since my accident I was told that children were out of the picture,” he said. News Corporation.

“But seeing how I’ve improved my physical health and now also have a baby on the way is just super exciting.”

A former soccer star has announced interesting news with his partner

A former soccer star has announced interesting news with his partner

Ryan Wiggins and Lou Calvert are expecting a baby in September this year

Ryan Wiggins and Lou Calvert are expecting a baby in September this year

Ryan Wiggins and Lou Calvert are expecting a baby in September this year

“It was kind of a shock and it still doesn’t feel real right now, but I’m sure as the weeks get closer to the little one’s due date, I think it will start to kick in.

“I guess after playing football for so long, I would love to have a little boy and hopefully he can kick one day.”

Calvert, a personal trainer, says she is grateful they were successful with the first round of IVF treatment. She is currently 16 weeks pregnant and is in good health.

“We are very, very, very excited to have our little baby,” she said.

‘We only had the option of going down the IVF route. I am very lucky that this little one was the first dad.

“I have been very, very lucky to be able to come out virtually symptom-free and I am very grateful to the team at TasIVF.

“Touchwood, I’ve skipped all the morning sickness and other than being tired, I feel great.”

Wiggins announced the news and is delighted to have been told his chances of becoming a father were almost non-existent after a life-changing accident.

Wiggins announced the news and is delighted to have been told his chances of becoming a father were almost non-existent after a life-changing accident.

Wiggins announced the news and is delighted to have been told his chances of becoming a father were almost non-existent after a life-changing accident.

Wiggins, who is still involved with Luaderdale Football Club, hopes his son will one day play in Tasmania.

Lou and I give them strength exercises at the soccer club. I’m also still involved with Cygnet as they obviously hold a big place in my heart.’

The baby is expected to arrive in September and the couple will soon move into a new home in Opossum Bay.

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