Home US Sarah Ferguson urges fans to “check in with themselves” as she shares a heartfelt health message amid her battle with cancer.

Sarah Ferguson urges fans to “check in with themselves” as she shares a heartfelt health message amid her battle with cancer.

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Sarah Ferguson has urged her followers to show

Sarah Ferguson has urged her followers to show “their love for body and mind” on World Health Day, as she undergoes skin cancer treatment.

On Sunday, the Duchess of York, 64, shared the message in a instagram post accompanied by a sweet photo of her posing in a Wolf & Badger jacket.

“I would like to remind anyone reading this to check with yourself,” she warned fans in her caption.

‘Control your mental state and control your body. Go for your routine health checkup. Take that walk. Read a book.

‘Your body and mind are a priority. Make sure you show them love.”

Sarah Ferguson urges fans to check in with themselves as

Sarah Ferguson has urged her followers to show “their love for body and mind” on World Health Day, as she undergoes skin cancer treatment. Pictured after the Easter matins service at St George’s Chapel last month.

Awareness day, championed by the World Health Organization, is celebrated every year on April 7.

Sarah’s encouraging message comes as the Royal Family has faced a series of health problems, as she, King Charles III and the Princess of Wales are receiving cancer treatment.

Last month, the mother of Princess Beatrice and Eugenie said she was “full of admiration” for Kate Middleton for revealing her diagnosis.

Taking to social media, Prince Andrew’s ex-wife, affectionately known as Fergie, paid tribute to the mother-of-three and said “everyone is praying for her.”

in a sense instagram In her statement, the Duchess said: “All my thoughts and prayers are with the Princess of Wales as she begins her treatment.”

‘I know she will be surrounded by the love of her family and everyone is praying for the best outcome.

“As someone who has faced her own battles with cancer in recent months, I have great admiration for the way she has spoken publicly about her diagnosis.”

Sarah was diagnosed with skin cancer just months after undergoing a mastectomy for breast cancer.

The Duchess of York, 64, shared the message in an Instagram post accompanied by a sweet photo of herself posing in a Wolf & Badger jacket.

The Duchess of York, 64, shared the message in an Instagram post accompanied by a sweet photo of herself posing in a Wolf & Badger jacket.

The Duchess of York, 64, shared the message in an Instagram post accompanied by a sweet photo of herself posing in a Wolf & Badger jacket.

Sarah was diagnosed with skin cancer just months after undergoing a mastectomy for breast cancer. In the photo of her with her daughters in November.

Sarah was diagnosed with skin cancer just months after undergoing a mastectomy for breast cancer. In the photo of her with her daughters in November.

Sarah was diagnosed with skin cancer just months after undergoing a mastectomy for breast cancer. In the photo of her with her daughters in November.

Kate speaking in a video message about her diagnosis

Kate speaking in a video message about her diagnosis

Charles and Queen Camilla photographed at this year's traditional Mattins Easter Sunday service

Charles and Queen Camilla photographed at this year's traditional Mattins Easter Sunday service

Sarah’s encouraging message comes as the Royal Family has faced a series of health problems – she, King Charles III (right) and the Princess of Wales (left) are all receiving cancer treatment.

Speaking about Kate’s decision to reveal her own diagnosis, the duchess added: I know it will go a long way in raising awareness.

He concluded the message by saying, “I hope he is now given the time, space and privacy to heal.”

Fergie revealed her shocking skin cancer diagnosis in January. The mother-of-two had several moles removed while she underwent breast reconstruction surgery last year, and one of them was found to be malignant.

The Duchess was described as being in “good spirits” after the “distressing” news, which reached her just days after Christmas.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can spread to other areas of the body, caused mainly by exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun or tanning beds.

People with paler skin, a large number of moles, and a family history of skin cancer tend to be at higher risk of developing it.

Friends at the time said Fergie is the “most resilient” person they know and was already planning to resume her TV career soon to encourage others to get checked out.

A friend told the Mail that the Duchess had been told she would need “further investigations” to make sure it was caught in the early stages.

“Everyone hopes this is the case and doctors are hopeful they got it figured out early, but melanoma is aggressive and they need to recheck everything,” they said.

Fergie revealed her shocking skin cancer diagnosis in January, just six months after battling breast cancer. Photographed at the Christmas Day service in Sandringham in December.

Fergie revealed her shocking skin cancer diagnosis in January, just six months after battling breast cancer. Photographed at the Christmas Day service in Sandringham in December.

Fergie revealed her shocking skin cancer diagnosis in January, just six months after battling breast cancer. Photographed at the Christmas Day service in Sandringham in December.

They added of Sarah: “She’s very resilient and bounces back from things pretty quickly, but two cancer diagnoses in six months, particularly when she thought she was just over breast cancer, is a lot for anyone to deal with and process.” “. .

‘You hope you’re over it and then you get something like this.

That’s why I wanted to get away from Austria for a couple of weeks to understand everything. Now she has returned home and her family has supported her a lot.”

They also praised “their daughters,” Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who they said have been “fantastic over the past six months.”

‘They really have been brilliant with her breast cancer diagnosis. And they are already joining it,” they said.

1712571954 377 Sarah Ferguson urges fans to check in with themselves as

1712571954 377 Sarah Ferguson urges fans to check in with themselves as

The Duchess was described as being in “good spirits” after the “distressing” news, which reached her just days after Christmas. Pictured is her talking about her battle with breast cancer on Loose Women in November.


What is malignant melanoma?

Malignant melanoma is a severe form of skin cancer that begins in melanocytes, cells found in the top layer of the skin that produce melanin, which gives the skin its color.

While it is less common than other types of skin cancer, it is more dangerous due to its ability to spread to other organs more quickly if not treated at an early stage.


A new mole or a change in an existing mole may be signs of melanoma.

Melanomas can appear anywhere on the body, but are most common in areas that are often exposed to the sun.

Some rarer types may affect the eyes, soles of the feet, palms of the hands, or genitals.

Check your skin for unusual changes. Use a mirror or ask a partner or friend to check areas you can’t see.

In particular, look for:

  • Moles with uneven shape or edges.
  • Polka dots with mixed colors
  • Large moles: Melanomas are usually more than 6 mm wide.
  • Moles that change size, shape, or color over time.


Ultraviolet (UV) light is the most common cause of melanoma. It comes from the sun and is used in sun loungers.

Melanoma is more common in older people, but younger people can get it too.

You are also more likely to get melanoma if you have:

  • Pale skin that burns easily in the sun.
  • Red or blonde hair
  • Blue or green eyes
  • A large number of freckles or moles.
  • He has been exposed to the sun a lot and has suffered many sunburns in the past.
  • Use the sun loungers a lot.
  • A history of skin cancer in your family or have had skin cancer before

If you have black or brown skin, you are less likely to get melanoma, but you can still get it.


Staying safe in the sun is the best way to reduce your chances of getting skin cancer (both melanoma and non-melanoma).

Do the following:

  • Stay out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day (11am to 3pm in the UK)
  • Keep your arms and legs covered and wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses that provide protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays.
  • Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and UVA protection of at least 4 stars; be sure to reapply it regularly
  • Make sure babies and children are protected from the sun: their skin is much more sensitive than that of adults.


Melanoma skin cancer can often be treated. Your treatment will depend on where it is located, whether it has spread, and your general health.

Surgery is the main treatment for melanoma. Sometimes radiation therapy, medications, and chemotherapy are also used.

Surgery may involve removing the melanoma and an area of ​​healthy skin around it, swollen lymph nodes if the cancer has spread to them, and other parts of the body if it has spread to them.

If a large part of the skin needs to be removed, a skin graft may be needed in which relatives could be taken from another part of the body to cover the area where the melanoma was.

Radiation therapy is sometimes used to shrink large melanomas and help control and relieve symptoms.

Targeted medications and immotherapy are used to treat melanomas that cannot be treated with surgery or that have spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body.

Chemotherapy, which kills cancer cells, is sometimes used to treat advanced melanoma when it has spread to another part of the body. It does not work as well as other treatments, but can be used if you cannot receive them.

How dangerous is it?

Generally for people with melanoma in England:

  • Almost all people (almost 100%) will survive melanoma for 1 year or more after diagnosis.
  • About 90 out of 100 people (about 90%) will survive melanoma for 5 years or more after diagnosis.
  • More than 85 in 100 people (more than 85%) will survive melanoma for 10 years or more after being diagnosed

Sources: NHS, Skin Cancer Foundation and Cancer Research UK

Meanwhile, earlier this month, Sarah also enjoyed a trip to Samoa and shared photos from the visit online.

Among the groups the royals met was the Poutasi Women’s Committee.

Some of the images show Sarah with garlands around her neck as she hugs some of the local people she met.

And in a photo from another engagement she is seen dressed in white.

Meanwhile, a series of photos shared a day earlier by the Duchess show her with a flower behind her ear during an appearance on Brown Girl Woke in Samoa.

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