Home US Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Biden’s CORPSE and run Weekend at Bernie’s-style White House to maintain their grip on power as 81 year-old faces calls to go

Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Biden’s CORPSE and run Weekend at Bernie’s-style White House to maintain their grip on power as 81 year-old faces calls to go

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Cruz, a Republican and 2016 presidential candidate, has previously claimed that Democrats were lining up former first lady Michelle Obama to replace Biden after the nomination.
  • It comes shortly after the media storm over the Justice Department report that denounced Biden’s “diminished powers” and limited memory.
  • Cruz, a Republican and 2016 presidential candidate, has previously claimed that Democrats were siding with former first lady Michelle Obama.
  • Cruz now believes Democrats are prepared to put pressure on Biden after the “corporate media” has begun to “turn against” the oldest president in US history.



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Sen. Ted Cruz believes Democrats are prepared to tough it out and run a “Weekend at Bernie’s”-style campaign to try to push President Joe Biden, 81, into a second term.

It comes shortly after the media storm over the Justice Department report that denounced Biden’s “diminished powers” and limited memory.

Cruz, a Republican and 2016 presidential candidate, had previously claimed that Democrats were lining up former first lady Michelle Obama to replace Biden after the nomination.

While he admits he has said that in the past, Cruz now believes Democrats are prepared to put pressure on Biden after the “corporate media” has begun to “turn against” the oldest president in US history.

“Democrats and the media would be perfectly happy if they could wave a wand and put Joe Biden in there for four years or more,” Cruz he said on his podcast, Verdict, this week.

Cruz, a Republican and 2016 presidential candidate, has previously claimed that Democrats were lining up former first lady Michelle Obama to replace Biden after the nomination.

Cruz, a Republican and 2016 presidential candidate, has previously claimed that Democrats were lining up former first lady Michelle Obama to replace Biden after the nomination.

1708582691 716 Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Bidens

1708582691 716 Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Bidens

Sen. Ted Cruz believes Democrats are prepared to tough it out and run a “Weekend at Bernie’s”-style campaign to try to push President Joe Biden, 81, into a second term. Pictured: ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’

‘They are not concerned that you lack the competence to do the job. They only care about one thing: that he loses. “If they believed he would win, they would be perfectly fine with a weekend at Bernie’s house to present him as a corpse and say Joe Biden is there and let’s keep pulling the puppet strings,” he added.

Cruz is referencing the hit 1989 comedy in which two men try to trick people into believing their dead boss is still alive to avoid being suspected of murdering him.

The senator added that Democrats’ only concern is really “they’re worried that he’s going to lose.”

“If he’s still the nominee, they’re going to get back in line and immediately start saying it’s discriminatory and racist and horrible to even ask these questions, and they have no shame,” he said.

He said this period of media criticism about Biden’s age is “the time where they’re trying to see if they can oust him and replace him with Michelle Obama.”

But Cruz reiterated that they will remain “completely silent” on the issue if he makes it to September as a nominee.

A large majority of American voters (86 percent) say President Joe Biden, 81, is too old for another term, according to a new poll.

The poll came just days after the report, which also said Biden was “a sympathetic, well-intentioned old man with a short memory.”

1708582691 639 Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Bidens

1708582691 639 Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Bidens

Cruz’s statement comes shortly after the media storm over the Justice Department report that denounced Biden’s “diminished powers” and limited memory.

1708582691 57 Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Bidens

1708582691 57 Ted Cruz says Dems would happily prop up Joe Bidens

Cruz did say that this period of media criticism of Biden’s age is “the moment where they’re trying to see if they can oust him and replace him with Michelle Obama.”

Meanwhile, 62 percent of respondents in the ABC News/Ipsos The poll says former President Donald Trump, 77, is also too old for another term in the White House.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents say the two main 2024 contenders are too old, while 27 percent think only the current president is old enough not to be considered.

Biden is the oldest president in US history. He broke Trump’s record by eight years when he took office at the age of 78 in January 2021.

If elected to a second term, Biden would be 82 years old at the time of his inauguration.

Taking into account only the preferences of their own party, 73 percent of Democrats think Biden is too old and only 35 percent of Republicans think the same about Trump.

Ninety-one percent of independents say Biden is too old, and 71 percent of this voting bloc say the same about the former president.

The latest negative poll for Biden’s reelection bid comes after Thursday’s release of the long-awaited Justice Department report, which did not recommend charges against the former president.

However, it was just as damaging for Biden, raising doubts about his fitness for office.

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