Home Australia I found out my daughter had changed gender at school when teachers called her ‘he’ at parents’ evening: Furious mother says teachers pretend being trans is ‘all glitter and unicorns’ without worrying about long-term medical impact

I found out my daughter had changed gender at school when teachers called her ‘he’ at parents’ evening: Furious mother says teachers pretend being trans is ‘all glitter and unicorns’ without worrying about long-term medical impact

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A mother discovered that her 13-year-old daughter had changed gender at school when teachers referred to her as



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A mother is alleged to have discovered her teenage daughter had decided she was actually a man when her teachers called her “he” at parents’ evening.

The West Country school began using male pronouns to refer to the 13-year-old without telling her shocked mother.

This despite her mother believing that affirming her daughter’s choice was a slippery slope to sex reassignment hormones and often irreversible surgery.

The mother accused the school of “trying to score points for diversity and inclusion” by pretending that being trans was about “glitter and unicorns” but without taking into account the long-term medical impact.

She was even asked if her daughter could stay in a boys’ dormitory during a school trip.

I found out my daughter had changed gender at school

A mother discovered her 13-year-old daughter had changed gender at school when teachers referred to her as “he” at a parents’ meeting (File Image)

1712300982 728 I found out my daughter had changed gender at school

1712300982 728 I found out my daughter had changed gender at school

The mother said the school intended being trans to be about “glitter and unicorns,” but without taking into account the long-term medical impact. Pictured: LGBTQI+ flags in London during Pride month last year

She said The Telegraphh: ‘I asked them if they couldn’t see that there is a possibility of sexual relations with minors, non-consensual sexual relations and teenage pregnancies.

“I asked them what kind of safeguarding risk assessment they had done and I didn’t get any answers.”

And he added: ‘If my son was of African descent and you discovered that his breasts were being bound, would you do something?

“Because she’s a middle-class white girl, because she identifies as a boy, it’s somehow okay.”

It came as it was also claimed that primary school teachers are being told to allow children to change gender behind their parents’ backs.

A review of gender identity services for children by Dr Hilary Cass (pictured) will be published next week.

A review of gender identity services for children by Dr Hilary Cass (pictured) will be published next week.

A review of gender identity services for children by Dr Hilary Cass (pictured) will be published next week.

A survey of equality and trans policies in more than 600 schools in Devon and Cornwall showed that a large majority (73 and 62 per cent respectively) misrepresented equality laws.

Some of the school policies reportedly stated that children “as young as five” could show signs of gender dysphoria.

They also said that biological sex “is assigned at birth, depending on the baby’s appearance.”

One elementary school reportedly stated that sex was “a person’s understanding and experience of their own gender identity.”

Cass’s review of gender identity services for children will be published next week.

Dr Hilary Cass’s interim report, published in 2022, said that “social transition” (in which children can change their pronouns or name) “is not a neutral act”.

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