A woman said she had sex with Matt Gaetz at a “drug-fueled” orgy she was paid to attend after explosive text messages surfaced suggesting Gaetz had solicited her for a three-day excursion to the Keys from Florida.
The woman’s lawyer said the daily beast that she was paid to attend multiple drug-fueled sex parties with people in Gaetz’s circle and that she once had sexual relations with him.
“She told (investigators) that she and many girls were provided with all types of controlled substances at these parties,” the attorney said.
“The availability of large amounts of alcohol and controlled substances led to a lack of control of the hormonal imperative, inspiring people to engage in intimate behaviors that may or may not have been because they were financially remunerated.”
The shocking revelation comes after Gaetz’s spokesperson denied that the congressman had any knowledge of the woman when ABC News reported text messages showing that Gaetz had arranged a trip and his partner Joel Greenberg was paying him for sex.
The Ethics Committee reportedly met behind closed doors on Thursday to discuss the allegations against the Florida congressman.
A woman said she had sex with Matt Gaetz at a “drug-fueled” orgy she was paid to attend after explosive text messages surfaced suggesting Gaetz had asked her for a three-day excursion to the Keys. Florida.

The woman’s attorney told the Daily Beast that she was paid to attend multiple drug-fueled sex parties with people in Gaetz’s circle and that on one occasion she had sex with him. In the photo: Gaetz with his wife Ginger.
The woman turned over text messages, photographs and other evidence to the Justice Department and the House Ethics Committee, according to her attorney.
He also testified before US prosecutors in response to a subpoena.
Venmo transactions reviewed by the Daily Beast show the woman received about $2,500 from Greenberg, Gaetz’s now-imprisoned friend, between March and July 2017.
Greenberg entered notes that included “trips,” “being cool,” “stuff” and the misspelled name of another Greenberg associate for those payments.
In July 2017, she requested $500 from Greenberg and entered a policewoman emoji in the note line.
The House Ethics Committee first opened an investigation into Gaetz in April 2021, but paused it during the Justice Department investigation.
In spring 2021, Gaetz’s associate, who had also attended those parties, allegedly met with the woman to determine whether she revealed any information and details about the gatherings to others.
The lawyer said his client felt intimidated and that the only purpose of the meeting was to keep her mouth shut.
“This associate was there asking him over and over again what he had said, demanding that he tell him,” the attorney said.
His client’s decision to come forward was “a difficult and emotionally draining experience,” the lawyer said.
“The fact that nothing came of it has surprised her, since she, along with everyone else, had been the center of such an intense investigation,” the woman’s lawyer said.
“For them to go through all that and then for the target of the investigation to only get a wink and a nod has created for some of them a loss of faith in the system.”
The Daily Beast reported that it obtained text messages, transaction history and photographs, including a selfie of the woman posing with Gaetz.
Some of the text and images he obtained matched documents described by ABC News in its coverage of the matter, the outlet reports.

The Ethics Committee reportedly met behind closed doors on Thursday to discuss the allegations against the Florida congressman.

The shocking revelation follows Gaetz’s spokesperson ((left) denying the congressman’s knowledge of the woman when ABC News reported text messages showing that Gaetz had arranged a trip with her and that his partner Joel Greenberg (right) was paying for it. sex.
It was revealed earlier this week that text messages reportedly show Gaetz asking the woman to fly on a private plane and join him, another woman and three other men in the Keys.
‘Hey, any interest in flying on a private plane to the Keys May 19-21?’ the congressman supposedly wrote.
Gaetz informed the woman, whom ABC News describes as “over the age of 21,” that the trip would feature “2 guys and 4 girls.” A very high quality adventuring group.’
“Yes, I’m in,” the woman responded.
Gaetz then allegedly responded: ‘Fantastic. As with all the time you spend with me, it will be fun and calm (…) Do you have a passport?
Both ABC and the Daily Beast report that the woman never ended up making the trip to the Florida Keys.
Greenberg reportedly told investigators that he paid the woman to have sex with other men on his behalf.
Gaetz’s office denied that the congressman knew that Greenberg had been paying the woman for sex.
Bank and Venmo records show payments from Greenberg to the woman that sources say were for her to have sex at parties with Greenberg’s friends.
‘Rep. Gaetz is not aware of these activities of Mr. Greenberg and did not participate in them. Rep. Gaetz has never paid for sex. Rep. Gaetz knows nothing about the woman you’re referring to, even though she takes thousands of selfies every year.

Greenberg, a former Seminole County tax collector, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for sex trafficking of a minor and stalking a political opponent in a plea deal with prosecutors in May 2021.

Gaetz, pictured with his wife Ginger, has persistently denied all allegations of wrongdoing against him and the Justice Department decided last year not to prosecute him.
Greenberg, a former Seminole County tax collector, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for sex trafficking of a minor and stalking a political opponent in a plea deal with prosecutors in May 2021.
He was a key witness in the Justice Department’s investigation into allegations that Gaetz had also sexually trafficked the same minor, although the Justice Department decided not to press charges against Gaetz.
According to a 2021 New York Times report, investigators believed Gaetz and disgraced Seminole County tax collector Greenberg instructed women they met online ‘to meet at certain times and places, often in hotels in Florida, and they would tell them the amount of money.’ They were willing to pay.’
Gaetz, who has been married to Ginger Luckey since 2021, says the allegations are a gross mischaracterization of his single days. And the investigation ended without charges against him.
“I’ve definitely provided for the women I’ve dated in my single days,” Gaetz told Axios. You know, I’ve paid for flights and hotel rooms. I’ve been, you know, generous as a partner.
He later told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson, “The New York Times is publishing a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman and that is verifiably false.” People can look at my travel logs and see that’s not the case.’