Home Australia Why this common rule at Australian children’s parties is making parents furious: “It has to stop now”

Why this common rule at Australian children’s parties is making parents furious: “It has to stop now”

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A mother has divided opinions after considering a strict rule for children's birthday parties (file image)

A mother has caused a stir after admitting she would be upset if other parents brought uninvited children to her son’s birthday party.

The mother thought it would be “unfair” to the child if a parent decided to bring a sibling or friend to the event without asking first.

But the issue caused a stir on the internet, with some parents saying they were “guilty” of having committed the act before, while others said the “entitlement is off the scale”.

“If you were planning a birthday party and you invited the kids but the parent wanted to bring the child’s siblings or another friend to accompany them, wouldn’t that bother you?” the woman asked on a parenting forum. Moms in network.

‘It would really upset me if someone bought another child who wasn’t invited with him, because my son (unless they were somehow friends or knew each other) would barely recognize him.

‘I think it wouldn’t be fair to that child because he wouldn’t know who the person at the party is.

It probably gets worse when uninvited guests are expecting party bags and food.

Other parents thought it was perfectly acceptable, while others said they would not allow it.

A mother has divided opinions after considering a strict rule for children’s birthday parties (file image)

“No, no, no! If you have other children in your care, leave them and go,” said one mother.

“If you’re expected to stay to help, then arrange childcare. If that’s impossible, send a polite note to the party organizer’s parents explaining why your child won’t be attending.

“The right to bring another child is beyond all consideration,” he added.

“Parents who do this are setting a terrible example for their children,” wrote another.

But a third said: “Brother, of course. Friend, no.”

The mother thought it would be

The mother thought it would be “unfair” to the child if a parent decided to bring a sibling or friend to the event (file image)

Some mothers were more receptive to fathers bringing uninvited children, but with certain conditions.

One said that “it depends on the location and the age of the children.”

“It seems quite normal here for siblings to be welcome at playdates or salon-style parties. But these are whole-class parties with younger children who are not at the age to let them go. The siblings who go with them are invariably babies or toddlers, so it’s not easy to leave them alone,” she wrote.

Another mother added: “I don’t mind as long as they check everything is okay (and) the older siblings don’t hog the bouncy castle or soft play area so the toddlers get scared.”

A select few said they had been “guilty” of taking other children to parties in the past, but only to soft play spaces.

“I never expect anyone to provide food or gift bags for the extra child. That being said, whenever I’ve hosted a party I make sure to have a few spare gift bags so that other little passengers can come,” one woman said.

Another added: “It’s quite common to have parties for the whole class here and I’ve always said that siblings are welcome at ours. The more the merrier.”

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