Home US Why photo of Subaru Forrester driver at traffic light outrages Americans

Why photo of Subaru Forrester driver at traffic light outrages Americans

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National park enthusiasts are baffled by a photo showing a light blue Subaru Forrester at a traffic light with a canoe strangely situated on top

A photo of a Subaru Forrester shared on a popular Yellowstone Facebook group has left Americans baffled.

Posted in Yellowstone National Park: Invasion of the Idiots by the group’s founder, the image shows a light blue Subaru Forrester at a stoplight with a canoe oddly positioned on top.

The white canoe tied on top is positioned horizontally instead of vertically, leaving many stunned at the driver’s thought process.

National park enthusiasts joined in with the original poster who captioned the photo “Lewis and Clark are not.”

“I’d like to see that car go through the tollbooth,” said one spectator.

National park enthusiasts are baffled by a photo showing a light blue Subaru Forrester at a traffic light with a canoe strangely situated on top

Another said: ‘The sad thing is that you don’t have to look for these things. There are people who do this kind of stupid thing every day, anywhere, any day and at all ages.’

“That’s not even Clark Griswold,” someone else said. “Natural selection in action,” said another.

Many expressed concern that the canoe could cause damage to other drivers, while some said it was not the first time they had witnessed a tourist improperly towing their canoes.

‘I saw something similar last summer, two kayaks sideways on the rack. “They were driving down Highway 212. I was too shocked to even take a photo,” one commenter said.

Others called the driver a ‘touron’, the combination of ‘tourist’ and ‘mouron’, of which the Facebook group is dedicated to documenting cases.

“The tourons… keep them away from the bison,” said one concerned onlooker.

Another said: “And they’ll probably try to pet a buffalo.”

The owner of Sunlight Sports in Cody, Wes Allen, said Cowboy State Diary He found the driver’s unique position captivating and said there’s no way they did it by accident.

“That’s the most creative way I’ve ever seen anyone put a canoe on their vehicle,” Allen said.

‘Maybe they were trying to stop people from passing on the road. Although that will significantly reduce your miles per gallon. They are going to spend a lot more on gas transporting their canoe that way.

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“I would recommend a 90-degree rotation on your boat, but it turns out common sense is not so common.”

Karen Richards, owner of Outdoor Adventures Revived, said she couldn’t understand the image.

“I’ve never seen that before, it’s a first for me, but one is born every minute during the tourist season,” Richards said.

‘You can tell by the way they treat and carry their equipment that they are not outdoors people and are not familiar with the safety rules.

“This person had not taken the time to really consider all the implications of what he was doing.”

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