Home Australia Why Kate Middleton is getting preventative chemotherapy: What next for the Princess’s cancer recovery and the side effects of the intense treatment she will be undergoing

Why Kate Middleton is getting preventative chemotherapy: What next for the Princess’s cancer recovery and the side effects of the intense treatment she will be undergoing

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Diagram showing how preventive chemotherapy works

Kate Middleton shocked the world by announcing that she has Cancer in a deeply personal and emotional televised statement.

The Princess of Wales, 42, announced that she is undergoing ‘preventive chemotherapy’, with her disease discovered following major abdominal surgery in January.

But what is preventive chemotherapy? When is it used? Is it the same as traditional chemo? And what are the side effects?

Discovering cancer after an operation is ‘not uncommon’, a top doctor has said.

Dr. Mangesh Thorat, deputy director of the Bart Clinical Trials Unit at the Center for Cancer Prevention at Queen Mary University, told Sky News: ‘It’s not very common, but it’s not uncommon either.

‘We often find this because the scans we do preoperatively often have their limitations. When things are looked at under the microscope after an organ is taken away, you get a much better resolution and then you pick up the cancer.

“So it’s not uncommon.”

Here, MailOnline explains everything…

What treatment is Kate getting?

In her emotional statement filmed in Windsor, Kate said her medical team ‘advised me to undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy’.

She revealed that she was in the ‘early stages of the treatment’ which began at the end of February.

Kate is now said to be on the road to ‘recovery’. No other details were given.

Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to attack tumors and is typically given to treat cancer directly or to shrink a tumor in preparation for surgery.

As in Kate’s case, chemo can also be used as a preventative option in the hope of stopping the cancer from returning.

Diagram showing how preventive chemotherapy works

Diagram showing how preventive chemotherapy works

Does that mean her cancer is already gone?

No details were given as to whether this was the case.

Kate only revealed that her major stomach operation in London in January, for what doctors thought was a non-cancerous condition before she learned the truth, was successful.

Preventive chemotherapy, also called adjuvant chemotherapy, aims to prevent cancer from coming back after the main tumor has been removed from the body.

The NHS says it can be used to ‘reduce the risk of the cancer returning after radiotherapy or surgery’.

What does the treatment consist of?

Preventative chemotherapy is most often given as an IV drip or tablets, where they are then transported throughout the body by the bloodstream.

Depending on the type, chemotherapy can be administered in either a hospital or in the comfort of a patient’s home.

There are over 100 types of chemotherapy.

All work in the same way, circulating through the blood to stop cancer cells throughout the body from multiplying by killing them before they have a chance to divide. This prevents them from growing and spreading in the body.

What are the side effects?

Cancer Research UK says: ‘The fact that chemotherapy drugs kill dividing cells helps to explain why chemotherapy causes side effects.

‘Body tissue is made of billions of individual cells.

“Once we are fully grown, most of the body’s cells do not divide and reproduce a lot. They only share if they have to repair damage’.

However, some cells still divide in full-grown adults, such as those found in hair (which is constantly growing) and skin (which is constantly renewing itself).

Because the treatment indiscriminately affects body tissues, whether they are cancerous or not, it can trigger side effects such as hair loss, fatigue and bruising.

Often, a patient undergoing chemotherapy also takes other medications designed to help relieve or combat some of these symptoms.

The symptoms typically disappear when the course of treatment is completed.

The Princess of Wales said her family (pictured together on December 25) 'need time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment'

The Princess of Wales said her family (pictured together on December 25) 'need time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment'

The Princess of Wales said her family (pictured together on December 25) ‘need time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment’

What has the NHS said?

NHS Chief Executive Amanda Pritchard said: ‘On behalf of the NHS, I am truly sorry to hear this shocking news.

“Our thoughts are with the Princess of Wales and the Royal Family, particularly as her treatment continues.

‘We know how difficult a diagnosis and treatment journey can be for patients and their families.

‘Talking about it is really brave and it can help others get worrying signs and symptoms checked.

‘If you are worried about cancer, the NHS website has more information.’

How have other cancer charities responded?

Charities have praised Kate’s decision to speak out, saying it will encourage others to seek help for their own potential cancer symptoms.

Cancer Research UK chief executive Michelle Mitchell said: ‘On behalf of everyone at Cancer Research UK, I wish Her Royal Highness a full, speedy recovery and return to good health.

‘During this difficult time, it is important that the princess is given time and space to focus on her treatment and that we respect the family’s privacy.’

She added: ‘High profile cancer cases often act as a call to action to encourage people to find out more or think about their own health.

‘If people notice something that is not normal for them or does not go away, they should check with their doctor.

“It probably won’t be cancer. But if it is, catching it early means treatment is more likely to be successful.’

Kate’s cancer battle in her own words: The Princess of Wales’ emotional video statement in full

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1711206118 487 Why Kate Middleton is getting preventative chemotherapy What next for

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding as I recover from surgery.

It’s been an incredibly tough few months for our whole family, but I’ve had an amazing medical team who have taken good care of me, for which I’m so grateful.

In January I underwent major stomach surgery in London and at the time my condition was thought to be non-cancerous. The operation was successful. However, tests after the operation showed that there had been cancer. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of pre-emptive chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment.

This of course came as a huge shock and William and I have done everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.

As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from a major operation to be able to start my treatment. But most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything

George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that suits them and to reassure them that I will be fine.

As I have told them; I feel good and get stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal; in my mind, body and spirit.

Having William by my side is also a great source of comfort and reassurance. As well as the love, support and kindness shown by so many of you. It means so much to both of us.

We hope you will understand that we as a family now need some time, space and privacy while I finish my treatment. My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and I look forward to returning when I am able, but for now I must focus on my full recovery.

At this time, I am also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. For anyone facing this disease, in whatever form, don’t lose faith or hope. You are not alone.

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