Home Australia Why Anthony Albanese’s Australia Day message has triggered outrage

Why Anthony Albanese’s Australia Day message has triggered outrage

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has released a video as he encourages Australians to 'celebrate everything we love about our country' on Australia Day

Anthony Albanese has been called out for releasing his Australia Day message a day before the holiday.

Albanese posted the nearly two-minute video to his social media accounts on Saturday, extolling the “courage” of Australians.

Many social media users questioned why the Prime Minister had shared it before the official holiday on Sunday.

‘Why didn’t this tweet wait until tomorrow?’ was an answer in X.

“Is there any reason why this Australia Day message can’t be posted tomorrow, the actual day?” another asked.

Some implied it was an attempt to avoid insensitivity due to the debate over the date of the festival, and many called for it to be changed.

Others pointed out that the video was released early, as Albanese may have had other commitments on the day.

“Tomorrow it will be in tennis,” he suggested, referring to the Australian Open final in Melbourne.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has released a video as he encourages Australians to ‘celebrate everything we love about our country’ on Australia Day

Albanese had committed to attending the flag-raising and citizenship event in Canberra on Sunday morning.

In his Australia Day message, Mr Albanese did not mention any of the claims surrounding the date and whether celebrating the start of European settlement is a reminder of Indigenous dispossession.

“Whether you are someone whose ancestors have loved and cared for this land for 60,000 years, or you are stepping in today as a new citizen, we all belong in the greatest country in the world,” Albanese said.

“We can all take pride in a national history written by the courage of our people.”

The debate over whether January 26 should be the date for Australia Day has been fought between opposition leader Peter Dutton and Mr Albanese as the two square ones for an election later this year.

Dutton has promised to bring back laws requiring councils to hold citizenship ceremonies, something Mr Albanese abolished after winning office in 2022.

“Sometimes I think Peter Dutton every year has a fight with an imaginary friend over something most Australians have just moved on – Australia Day,” Albanese said on Friday.

‘And one of the things that Australia Day celebrates is the fact that we are not a Soviet-style command system. You know, like just relaxing! Get on with life.

A smoking ceremony was held at Alfred Square in Melbourne on Sunday

A smoking ceremony was held at Alfred Square in Melbourne on Sunday

Despite Mr Albanese previously saying he supports Australia Day on January 26, several people questioned the sincerity of the enthusiasm expressed in Saturday’s message.

“Polls must be bad if you’re suddenly an Australia Day lover,” one person posted.

“If that’s the case, why haven’t you enforced councils, mainly those led by Labor and Greens, to hold Australia Day celebrations?” another tweeted.

‘How very strange. Last year, Labor told us we were all colonizers and invaders. Do you remember that? another said.

“Interesting because I can’t go to Melbourne today with my kids because there are too many Australia-hating protesters having a tantrum instead of an Australia Day parade,” was another response.

‘You don’t mean any of that. You’re only saying that because you’ve reluctantly accepted his winning vote,’ was another skeptical response.

“Show your love for this nation by having only one flag, the Australian flag as the representative flag of our nation.”

Mr. Albanese had some defenders, however.

“Whinge Whingan Whinge Whinge” was a response to criticism.

(Tagstotranslate) DailyMail (T) News (T) Melbourne (T) Peter Dutton (T) Anthony Albanese (T) Earth () Australia

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