Home Australia White House Claims Videos of Biden ‘Freezing’ or Walking Away Are ‘Deceptively Edited’: Watch the Raw Clips and Decide for Yourself

White House Claims Videos of Biden ‘Freezing’ or Walking Away Are ‘Deceptively Edited’: Watch the Raw Clips and Decide for Yourself

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White House Claims Videos of Biden 'Freezing' or Walking Away Are 'Deceptively Edited': Watch the Raw Clips and Decide for Yourself

The White House has claimed that a series of videos showing Joe Biden “frozen” or walking away were deceptively edited as “cheap deepfakes.”

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made the claim after the videos were widely viewed on social media and news websites.

Republicans have responded that the videos were not edited and the White House is wrong.

Recent viral videos include moments from Biden’s trip to Normandy for the D-Day anniversary, a G7 summit in Italy and a fundraising event with Barack Obama.

Jean-Pierre said: ‘Ironically, several cheap fakes actually attack the president for thanking the troops, and that is why they attack the president.

This occurred in both Normandy and Italy. I think this tells you everything we need to know about how desperate the Republicans are here.

‘And instead of talking about the president’s performance in office, and what I mean by that is his legislative victories, what he’s been able to do for the American people across the country, we’re seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos. And, once again, it has been done in bad faith.

Here are the full videos so readers can watch and make their own decisions.

One shows Biden on stage with Obama at a fundraiser in Los Angeles.

Another shows him during a June 16 event at the White House.

Another unpublished shows him with world leaders at the G7.

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