Home Australia What does the New Moon in Taurus mean to you? Astrologer reveals why tonight is the perfect time to set ambitious plans for the future

What does the New Moon in Taurus mean to you? Astrologer reveals why tonight is the perfect time to set ambitious plans for the future

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Whether it's saving some money, making old connections, or taking serious steps in your love life, now is the time to set ambitious, steady-paced plans. Stock image used

Astrologers say that the New Moon in Taurus that occurs in the early hours of May 8 brings with it “a burst of energy that invites us to connect, fostering a reconnection with the tangible aspects of our finances, possessions and, what’s more important, our life. sense of self-esteem and values.”

But what could it mean for your personal endeavors during this auspicious period?

Whether it’s saving some money, making old connections, or taking serious steps in your love life, now is the time to set ambitious, steady-paced plans.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Hong Kong-based spiritual advisor Letao Wang revealed that the influence of the earth sign is especially potent right now.

“It pushes us to seek comfort, stability and pleasure in the simple things, urging a deliberate pause in our fast-paced lives to appreciate and evaluate what really matters,” he said.

Whether it’s saving some money, making old connections, or taking serious steps in your love life, now is the time to set ambitious, steady-paced plans. Stock image used

Letao also explained that the New Moon “invites each sign to plant seeds of intention, particularly around areas of life where we seek growth, stability and enrichment.”

“I always encourage my clients to start their new moon journal once a month, in which they will write their true intentions, desires, and affirmations on the day of the new moon,” she continued.

“It is a time to connect our energies, savor the pleasures of life, and embark on a path that aligns with our authentic values ​​and desires.”

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

The new moon will occur in your astrological second house. This period prompts you to slow down and focus on creating a secure financial foundation. It’s an excellent time to budget, plan, and set goals that will increase your financial stability.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

With the New Moon in your own sign and your astrological first house, it’s a powerful time for personal reinvention. Reflect on your desires, your appearance, and how you present yourself to the world. Initiating changes that more closely align with your true self is now favored. The color orange is especially lucky for you now.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 22)

As the New Moon occurs in your 12th house, this is a period of introspection and rest for you. The New Moon whispers a reminder to step back, meditate, and listen to your inner voice. It is a time to release what no longer serves you in preparation for the season of your birthday. Explore your psychic ability.

CANCER (June 23 – July 23)

This New Moon occurs in your 11th house, highlighting your social life and connections. It’s the perfect time to think about your dreams and who in your circle can support you. Consider starting a new project or joining a community that aligns with your aspirations. Friendships focus on you this month.

LEO (July 24 – August 23)

Career aspirations and achievements are under the spotlight with this New Moon, as it occurs in your astrological tenth house. Setting new career goals or starting a project that improves your public image could be especially fruitful. Get out there, make yourself known in your professional circle.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Hong Kong-based spiritual advisor Letao Wang revealed that the influence of the earth sign is especially potent right now. Stock image used

Speaking to FEMAIL, Hong Kong-based spiritual advisor Letao Wang revealed that the influence of the earth sign is especially potent right now. Stock image used

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

As the New Moon occurs in your astrological ninth house, this period illuminates your thirst for knowledge and adventure. It’s the best time to explore topics or cultures that fascinate you. Consider this an invitation to broaden your mind and maybe even plan a future travel adventure. This is also a good time for publication and media exposure!

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

The New Moon will occur in your astrological eighth house. The New Moon encourages you to explore your deepest emotions and intimacy issues. It is a time ripe for transformation, allowing you to release old wounds and pave the way for healing and deeper connections. The eighth house is always the most mystical and psychological. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper into yourself.

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

Relationships are in the spotlight for you, as the New Moon will affect your astrological seventh house. These are new beginnings in partnerships or taking existing relationships to a deeper level. Communicate your needs and desires to strengthen ties. If you’re single, this could be a good time to meet new people and form strong bonds.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Focus on your daily routines and your health! The new moon will occur in your astrological sixth house, which has to do with mundane but important daily activities. It’s a good time to implement a new wellness plan or hone your daily efficiency to achieve a better work-life balance. Have you been thinking about a new diet or exercise routine? Don’t miss this new moon!

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

Creativity and romance are highlighted when the New Moon transits your astrological fifth house. This is an excellent time to engage in hobbies or activities that bring you joy and express your affection more freely and playfully in love. This house is also related to children. If you are a parent, dedicate time and effort to being with your children and showing them your unconditional love.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

Home and family matters are emphasized during this New Moon in Taurus in your astrological fourth house. You may feel compelled to start home improvement projects or address family problems. It’s a time to nurture your personal space and relationships at home. Are you thinking about moving house or starting a renovation project in your home? This New Moon could be a catalyst for that long-awaited decision!

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

Communication takes center stage as the New Moon will affect your astrological third house. This New Moon fosters a perfect environment to express your thoughts and ideas. Consider starting a writing project or communicating more openly with those around you. This house is also associated with the brothers and the close environment. Call your brother/sister and ask them how they are! Ride your bike around your neighborhood to explore the newly opened cafes!

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