A Scottish practice dating back to the 19th century has become the latest TikTok trend, and users are going crazy over this decades-old fad.
He Hashtag ‘hurkle-durkle’ is taking over the social media platform, racking up over 5.5 million views so far, and sees people lounging in bed past their alarm.
Although you may feel guilty when you hide further under the covers after the alarm goes off, the Scots pressure you to accept it by giving a name to the desire to stay in bed for an extended period of time.
The term has taken the internet by storm less than a year after “bed rot”, where you spend all day lying on your mattress, as people praise the practices for making them feel less lazy.
The latest TikTok trend, known as ‘hurkle durkling’, comes from Scotland and sees people resting in bed after their alarm.

Although you may feel guilty when you hide further under the covers after the alarm goes off, the Scots pressure you to accept it.
According to the Scots Language DictionariesThe phrase “hurkle durkle” means “to lie in bed or rest when one should be up.”
And while bed rot sees you lying on your comfortable mattress at all hours of the day, hurkle durkling occurs only in the morning hours.
Many people across the web have taken to social media to share clips of themselves participating in the new trend.
One user took to TikTok to show herself lying in bed in the morning, lighting a candle and reading.
She said: ‘I thought you should know that the Scots have a word for lying in bed after it’s time to get up, and it’s called hurkle durkling.’
‘I’m hurkling and durkling and once I’ve thrown my last Durkle, I’ll get up. But I’m a big fan of the hurkle durkle.
Other TikTok users followed in their footsteps and shared similar clips of them resting after the alarms went off.
‘Who else loves hurkle durkle?’ another person said, before admitting that they had actually been engaging in the practice for years without even knowing he had a Scottish name.

Hurkle Durkling has taken over the video-sharing platform and the hashtag #hurkledurkling has so far racked up over 773.5k views.
‘Here I was calling him “lying down” completely not realizing there was this funny phrase floating around!
“It’s one of my favorite things to do on weekend mornings, but sometimes I get up early on weekdays just to hurkle durkle.”
And according to a study by Sleep healthsleeping and lying in bed a little longer can help improve your life.
According to researchers, just two more hours of sleep on the weekend can reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by 63 percent.
It said: “We found that WCS (weekend catch-up sleep) in adults is associated with a low risk of angina, stroke and coronary heart disease.”
Meanwhile, another study revealed that sleeping a few extra minutes after your alarm goes off can help you feel more alert during the day.

People online flooded the comments section, with many praising the hurkle durkle, while Scottish users claimed they had never heard of the new trend.
People online flooded the comments section, with many praising the hurkle durkle, while Scottish users claimed they had never heard of the new trend.
One person said: “I’m Scottish and I’ve never heard of a hurkle durkle in my life.”
Another user added: “On behalf of everyone in Scotland: we are not saying this.”
“Adding this to my list of hobbies,” another person added.
Someone else commented: “I go all day long.”
“This is amazing knowledge,” added one user.
One person said: ‘Look at my Scottish genes shining!’