Weddings can be stressful at the best of times, but one event planner was left outraged after a vendor failed to show up to a terminally ill bride’s reception.
According to the planner, she had organized the reception for a bride with terminal cancer, however, after confirming they would be at the reception, they “completely misled” the couple.
To make matters worse, the catering was a donation as part of the Wish Upon A Wedding program, a national nonprofit that provides weddings and vow renewals to couples facing terminal illnesses or life-altering health circumstances.
“Which means it doesn’t even make sense to scam,” he explained in a Reddit post shared with the Wedding Shame Subreddit.
The planner assured Reddit users that a restaurant in the Eastern Virginia area reached out to cater the event, but some guests left after not receiving any liquids for two hours.
“I feel so bad that I did everything I could. But this was supposed to be such a beautiful day, a true gift for a couple facing unimaginable hardships,” she wrote.
The wedding planner explained that she had taken over this event 10 days before the wedding, as the original planner and the couple did not get along.
“There was a lot of evil,” he admitted. “Lead planner yelled at terminal cancer patient.”
Weddings can be stressful at the best of times, but an event planner was left outraged after a vendor failed to show up to a terminally ill bride’s reception (file image)
“I’m very upset about it, and it’s better that they fired her.” I’m glad I intervened because the couple loved me, but I inherited a LOT of work. “I felt like I had almost an entire wedding to plan in a week,” she added.
The planner later updated her post to explain that she had given the catering company a chance to explain themselves, but they couldn’t.
“The original provider blocked all my accounts,” she wrote, indignant.
‘She blocked the girlfriend on all accounts. Their website no longer works. “I don’t even know how I could review it if I wanted to,” the exasperated planner listed.
‘All I did was email him to ask if he was okay and what happened to make him not show up.
‘I definitely did NOT come armed, I really gave him a chance to explain himself. “I’m shocked,” she wrote.
The planner responded to people who suggested the planner and caterer were in cahoots, assuring them that was not the case.
“I personally know the planner and, although she was negligent and bad to the cancer patient, she is not harmful,” he argued.
The organizer added that it was the first wedding that the former organizer had organized alone, that she had very few connections and had not had enough time to build loyalty with another caterer.
Still, no one at the wedding had ever seen anything like it.

The planner later updated her post to explain that she had given the catering company a chance to explain themselves, but they couldn’t (file image)

Users were outraged by the story and shared their thoughts in the comments.
‘I asked the other sellers if they had seen anything like this before. Combined, they had over 100 years of wedding experience. “None of them have seen the absence of a caterer,” he said.
‘The original planner threw me under the bus for Wish Upon a Wedding too. “I called them, ready to show them the proof, and they believed me,” she wrote in a final update to the post.
What a relief! I love this organization and I want to do this again!’
Users were outraged by the story and shared their thoughts in the comments.
‘There is nothing worse than ruining the wedding of a terminal cancer patient. You have to have some courage to even think about doing something like that. I’m glad you were able to find someone to step in, and that restaurant deserves all the extra business it gets!’ gushed one user.
‘There is something very wrong with the original planner if she really yelled at a terminal cancer patient. I’m sure there are plenty of times when planners want to yell at clients, but don’t. I seriously believe the planner and caterer were in cahoots. Can you get a local TV news outlet to investigate? Does the caterer have good reviews? asked another.
‘I’m sorry for you and the bride and groom, as well as the guests. Karma will end up hitting the unpleasant supplier.