Home Australia Wedding guest issues stern warning to ALWAYS read the fine print on invitations after being turned away from the dinner reception, despite driving eight hours to be there.

Wedding guest issues stern warning to ALWAYS read the fine print on invitations after being turned away from the dinner reception, despite driving eight hours to be there.

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Wedding guest issues stern warning to ALWAYS read the fine print on invitations after being turned away from the dinner reception, despite driving eight hours to be there.

A woman has urged others to always read the fine print on wedding invitations after being turned down at a dinner party.

The anonymous guest, from the United Kingdom, took to Reddit under the thread ‘wedding shaming’ to unravel the details of an uncomfortable experience she had when she was 20 years old.

The woman had been invited to a colleague’s wedding in the Scottish highlands, but was surprised to discover that her invitation was only for church and evening drinks, and not for the reception meal in between.

And other social media users were equally furious.

The anonymous guest, from the United Kingdom, took to Reddit under the thread 'wedding shaming' to unravel the details of an uncomfortable experience she had when she was 20 years old.

The anonymous guest, from the United Kingdom, took to Reddit under the thread ‘wedding shaming’ to unravel the details of an uncomfortable experience she had when she was 20 years old.

In the post, which was simply titled “Always read the fine print on your wedding invitation,” the woman explained: “When I was 20, I was invited to a colleague’s wedding: an eight-hour drive there and a 16-hour drive. round trip”.

‘Another colleague and I decided to carpool and booked bed and breakfast for the night.

“It was the first wedding, other than a family one, that I had attended, so I was excited and felt very honored because, even when I was in my 20s, weddings were expensive.”

She said they arrived at the B&B early to get ready and the owner kindly gave them a ride to the church because the local taxi company was booked.

‘The wedding ceremony was so lovely, with Celtic hands tied and a candlelight ceremony.

‘We took photographs of the bride, mingled with other guests and boarded the transport to the reception where the dinner would be held.

‘We arrive at the place and, like everyone else, we are checking the table plan for our seats… And we keep checking… But we can’t find our names.’

The guest continued: ‘The master of ceremonies comes over and asks to see our invitations, to which he flatly states that we were only invited to church and for drinks in the evening and that we have to go.

The woman had been invited to a colleague's wedding in the Scottish highlands, but was surprised to discover that her invitation was only for church and evening drinks, and not for the reception meal in between ( archive image)

The woman had been invited to a colleague’s wedding in the Scottish highlands, but was surprised to discover that her invitation was only for church and evening drinks, and not for the reception meal in between ( archive image)

‘It was in the fine print that our invitation was not for food.

‘Absolutely mortified, we ran away, tried to find a local restaurant (in the Scottish highlands) to grab a bite to eat and waste some time for five hours.

“We found a local restaurant, had bacon and tea and then decided to go back to the B&B to freshen up.”

The woman said the homeowner scolded them for not calling her before she took them back to the evening ceremony at 7 p.m.

‘At this point everyone in the place was completely drunk as they had been drinking for five hours and we discovered that we were THE ONLY “guests of the night.”

‘We tried to have fun but we snuck out at 10pm because the single men were SO clever!

“We were taken by a friendly local and went to a local bar where we were entertained by other locals who had heard about our destination from the B&B owner (news travels fast in small Scottish towns).”

He explained that the duo “ended up having a fun night” and it was the local residents who “really saved the day in more ways than one.”

The woman concluded: ‘Neither my colleague (who was now a friend at the end of the trip, sharing traumatic bonds lol) nor I had realized we weren’t included in the whole event and the bride then let it slip that she only invited people. from the office because our boss had told him that he was the most polite.

‘We thought we were friends of hers.

‘Learning from all this, I now look at wedding invitations and if I’m only invited to the evening part, that’s fine, but at least I’m informed.

And the post was soon flooded with comments from other outraged social media users.

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And the post was soon flooded with comments from other outraged social media users.

And the post was soon flooded with comments from other outraged social media users.

One person wrote: “It’s just rude to invite a person to the morning and afternoon portion, but NOT the eating portion.”

Another commenter added: ‘Either you invite them all or just the night. This grinds my gears!!’

A third person commented: ‘And they were the only two who weren’t invited! TWO PEOPLE! Intolerably rude.

One person wrote: ‘I will never understand people who host weddings and don’t feed their guests.

‘Even if it’s a local wedding, guests spend time, money and Uber fare to show up with bells on. The least you can do is feed them.

‘This sounds incredibly rude. Including two people is going to ruin the budget,” another person added.

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Other commenters focused on the positive side of the situation in the comments, when one person wrote:

Other commenters focused on the positive side of the situation in the comments, with one person writing: “Thank goodness for the lovely B&B host.”

One commenter commented: ‘My wife and I had the same thing happen, even though it was “only” a five hour drive. We had never heard of being invited to church and drinks, but not to the reception.

‘We went to church, found out we weren’t invited to the meal and drove home. My wife discovered that she was the only one in that circle who had not been invited to the reception. That was the end of that friendship.’

Other commenters focused on the positive side of the situation in the comments.

One person wrote: “Thank goodness for the lovely B&B host.”

Another commenter added: “But you received the beautiful gift of Scotland and the kind people who live there.”

A third person commented: “Bless the Scotsman for sorting you out, that makes me proud.”

Another wrote: “But you received the beautiful gift of Scotland and the kind people who live there.”

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