Home Australia Waleed Aly gets into a frosty war of words with his ABC co-star Kelli Underwood as footy debate goes off the rails – and she shuts him down with one word

Waleed Aly gets into a frosty war of words with his ABC co-star Kelli Underwood as footy debate goes off the rails – and she shuts him down with one word

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Waleed Aly got into a heated exchange with fellow player Kelli Underwood over the AFL's concussion debate on ABC Offsiders
  • Waleed Aly and Kelli Underwood have freezing weather
  • Pair discussed Jimmy Webster’s recent suspension
  • Underwood told Aly he was being pedantic







Waleed Aly has been involved in a cold exchange with his ABC co-star Kelli Underwood over the AFL’s concussion debate and the recent suspension of Jimmy Webster.

St Kilda star Webster was banned for seven games after his brutal tackle on North Melbourne rival Jy Simpkin in a pre-season match.

Underwood and Aly discussed the issue on ABC Offsiders last Sunday, with AFL commentator Underwood stating Webster was ‘lucky’ to only get seven weeks.

Aly acknowledged that concussions were a serious problem in the sport, but was not sure that banning Webster was light.

“Take a look at the current climate,” Underwood said. ‘Angus Brayshaw has just retired due to concussion.

Waleed Aly got into a heated exchange with fellow player Kelli Underwood over the AFL's concussion debate on ABC Offsiders

Waleed Aly got into a heated exchange with fellow player Kelli Underwood over the AFL’s concussion debate on ABC Offsiders

1710214096 210 Waleed Aly gets into a frosty war of words with

1710214096 210 Waleed Aly gets into a frosty war of words with

Underwood said she considered Jimmy Webster “lucky” to only get seven weeks for his preseason bump on Jy Simpkin

‘They will be told. It’s been rammed down their throats in the pre-season, ‘Don’t do this’. And then he does it in a practice game. He could have snapped the guy’s neck back. It’s terrible’.

Aly again asked Underwood how seven weeks could be considered lucky.

‘Cause times have changed. When Barry Hall hit his shot (at Brent Staker in 2008) and got seven (weeks), we were all outraged,” Underwood said.

Journalist Caroline Wilson interjected to add that the AFL has “raised the bar from last year” as Webster’s bump would have received a lesser ban.

“Seven (weeks) is a huge shot of the season,” Aly said.

“So if the aim of this is to create a deterrent so players don’t do this, seven does the job. No player is going to walk out of the competition saying, ‘Is seven weeks worth it? Yes’.

‘They’re not going to do that. So the job is done. Are you going to ban him for life?’

Underwood replied: ‘No, seven seems like he got off easy, in a way, when you consider that Simpkin had three concussions in the last twelve months and this could be his last. Then he may be forced to withdraw.’

Aly acknowledged concussions were a serious issue, but he didn't think the ban handed down to Webster was light

Aly acknowledged concussions were a serious issue, but he didn't think the ban handed down to Webster was light

Aly acknowledged concussions were a serious issue, but he didn’t think the ban handed down to Webster was light

A frustrated Underwood ended the exchange by telling Aly he was being pedantic

A frustrated Underwood ended the exchange by telling Aly he was being pedantic

A frustrated Underwood ended the exchange by telling Aly he was being pedantic

Aly agreed with Underwood and then asked her what punishment she would have preferred.

‘I’m not saying there is a specific punishment. I’m just saying seven, in this day and age, was lucky,’ Underwood said.

Aly then asked if Underwood was surprised the AFL only asked for eight weeks.

Underwood replied that she was not.

“But if you’re not surprised they asked for eight…” Aly said.

Underwood then shut Aly down, telling him he was ‘being pedantic’ as the panel moved on to a new topic.

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