Home US Upmarket Nantucket rocked by arrest of 28-year-old illegal immigrant for ‘disgusting and abhorrent rape’ of child

Upmarket Nantucket rocked by arrest of 28-year-old illegal immigrant for ‘disgusting and abhorrent rape’ of child

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Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, 28 (pictured), a Salvadoran citizen, was arrested on Sept. 10 for an alleged incident that occurred on July 11 in Nantucket.

The luxurious island of Nantucket in Massachusetts has been rocked after an illegal immigrant was arrested for his “disgusting and disturbing rape” of a young girl.

Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, 28, a Salvadoran citizen, was arrested on Sept. 10 for an alleged incident that occurred on July 11 involving a 12-year-old boy, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Removal and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston office announced Monday.

He faces one count of rape of a girl 10 years apart in age and two counts of indecent assault and battery on a girl under 14, the agency said.

Aldana-Arévalo pleaded not guilty at his arraignment on July 26 and was held on $20,000 bail. He was released on July 29 after posting bail.

“Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo is accused of some heinous and disturbing crimes against a Nantucket child,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons.

This comes just months after two men were charged with the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was found dead floating in a creek near her Houston home in June.

Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, 28 (pictured), a Salvadoran citizen, was arrested on Sept. 10 for an alleged incident that occurred on July 11 in Nantucket.

The Nantucket Police Department was contacted by the New York Police Department after a mother took her 12-year-old son to NYU Langone Hospital in Brooklyn and reported a sexual assault that occurred on the small island while they were visiting relatives.

The Nantucket Police Department was contacted by the New York Police Department after a mother took her 12-year-old son to NYU Langone Hospital in Brooklyn and reported a sexual assault that occurred on the small island while they were visiting relatives.

Nungaray made national headlines and was at the forefront of the presidential debate when it was later revealed that the two Venezuelan migrants, Franklin José Peña Ramos, 26, and Johan José Rangel Martínez, 21, were released into the country despite being intercepted by border agents.

Both men were charged with capital murder and in July it was confirmed that Nungaray was raped before being killed by the two illegal immigrants, police said.

They are accused of taking the girl under a bridge, where they remained with her for two hours before the men appeared alone.

Her body was found the next morning, after she had been strangled, tied up and dumped in a swamp. She was naked from the waist down.

Aldana-Arévalo was served with a summons to appear before a Justice Department immigration judge on Tuesday and remains in custody as of Monday morning, officials said.

On July 11, the Nantucket Police Department was contacted by the New York Police Department after a mother took her 12-year-old son to NYU Langone Hospital in Brooklyn and reported a sexual assault. Nantucket Current reported.

This comes just months after two men were charged with the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was found dead floating in a creek near her Houston home in June.

This comes just months after two men were charged with the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was found dead floating in a creek near her Houston home in June.

Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26 years old,

Johan Jose Rangel-Martinez, 21 years old,

Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26 (left) and Johan Jose Rangel-Martinez, 21 (right) were charged with capital murder and were confirmed in July to have raped Nungaray.

The incident reportedly occurred while the mother and daughter were visiting relatives in Nantucket.

A social worker then contacted NYPD detectives about the assault before the Nantucket Police Department interviewed the minor about the incident involving Aldana-Arevalo, a relative of the boy, according to the outlet.

“He poses a significant danger to the children of our Massachusetts communities. ERO Boston will not tolerate such a threat against the most vulnerable of our population,” Lyons said of Aldana-Arevalo.

‘We will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing the most egregious non-citizen offenders from our New England neighborhoods.’

The illegal immigrant “illegally entered the United States on an unknown date, at an unknown location” and was not “inspected, admitted, or paroled by a U.S. immigration officer,” the agency said.

His attorney, Rob Moriarty, asked for $2,500 bail for Aldana-Arévalo, saying that was what his client “could afford to pay,” the outlet reported.

A second illegal immigrant was arrested by ICE agents on Sept. 11 on the small island and was identified Tuesday as Gean Do Amaral Belafronte, 31 (pictured).

A second illegal immigrant was arrested by ICE agents on Sept. 11 on the small island and was identified Tuesday as Gean Do Amaral Belafronte, 31 (pictured).

Moriarty added that Aldana-Arévalo, who has lived on the island for three years, should not face bail because he remained on Nantucket during the investigation.

“The purpose of bail is not to punish the accused, but to ensure his appearance in court,” Moriarty said.

Nantucket District Court Judge James Sullivan concluded that due to the seriousness of the charges, the $20,000 cash bail would be maintained but could be reviewed in court at a later date, according to the Nantucket Current.

A second illegal immigrant was arrested by ICE agents on Sept. 11 on the small island and was identified Tuesday as Gean Do Amaral Belafronte, 31.

Belafronte was charged with indecent assault and assault on a person 14 years of age or older, ERO Boston said.

The alleged incident occurred on April 13, 2021, and according to the police report, obtained by Nantucket Current, Belefronte allegedly approached the victim, grabbed her, pushed her to the ground and climbed on top of her.

The alleged incident involving Belafronte occurred on April 13, 2021, where he allegedly approached the victim, grabbed her, pushed her to the ground, and climbed on top of her.

The alleged incident involving Belafronte occurred on April 13, 2021, where he allegedly approached the victim, grabbed her, pushed her to the ground, and climbed on top of her.

During the alleged assault, he told the female victim: “I’m going to rape you,” while “licking her lips.”

A hearing to arraign Belafronte was scheduled for June 9, but he never showed up.

For this reason, the Nantucket District Court issued a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested again. He was released on bail later that same day.

The Brazilian citizen legally entered the United States on October 8, 2018, but after violating the terms of his admission, he “voluntarily left” the country on April 18, 2021, five days after the alleged incident occurred, the agency reported.

At an unknown date and location, “without being inspected, admitted or paroled” by an ICE officer, Belafronte re-entered the United States.

On March 12, 2024, he was arrested again and at 3 p.m. that day he was arraigned on charges of indecent assault and battery. Belafronte was later released on $500 cash bail.

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