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Understanding the symptoms of bowel cancer “When to see a doctor”

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 Understanding Bowel Cancer Symptoms “When to See a Doctor”

Navigating the complexities of gut health can be challenging, especially when distinguishing between common problems and signs of something more serious, such as bowel cancer. Experts emphasize that changes in bowel habits and the presence of blood in stool are important indicators that should not be ignored.

Bowel cancer, which can develop in the large intestine (colon cancer) or the rectum (rectal cancer), often has subtle symptoms that can be easily confused with less serious health problems. However, a hallmark symptom of bowel cancer is the color of the stool, especially if it contains blood. According Cancer research in the UKIf blood in the stool appears dark red or black, similar to tar, this could indicate bleeding in the upper part of the intestine and requires immediate medical attention.

This type of bleeding could be a sign of cancer or other conditions, such as a bleeding stomach ulcer. Dr. Porter, a medical expert with a column in The Times, highlighted bleeding as a common “red flag” symptom. “Bleeding from the butt, which is often not cancer but is never normal, and/or a prolonged, unexplained change in bowel habit, usually becoming looser rather than constipated, are red flags,” he explained, reports he. mirror.

These symptoms, especially if they persist for more than a few weeks, should prompt a consultation with a healthcare provider. Dr. Porter advises those experiencing these symptoms to contact their doctor’s office immediately and provide details about the symptoms and any relevant family history of bowel cancer. A medical professional’s initial response will likely involve a stool test that can be performed at home.

This test helps confirm the presence of blood. Additionally, blood tests may be performed to further evaluate health status. After these preliminary tests, a comprehensive evaluation is usually performed, which involves a physical examination that may include a digital rectal examination. This hands-on assessment allows doctors to detect any abnormalities in the lower intestine and is a critical step in diagnosing intestinal conditions, including cancer.

Recognizing bowel cancer symptoms early and seeking immediate medical advice can significantly improve outcomes and provide more effective treatment options. Knowledge and understanding of these signs are crucial for anyone experiencing changes in their bowel habits or noticing unusual signs in their stool.

Other possible symptoms of bowel cancer

  • A lump that your doctor can feel in the anus or abdomen, most commonly on the right side.
  • The feeling of needing to strain in the anus (as if you need to defecate)
  • Weight loss
  • Pain in the abdomen or anus.
  • Tiredness or difficulty breathing

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

  • Cramp-like pains in the abdomen.
  • feel bloated
  • Constipation
  • Being sick

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