Home Australia TV actor dies aged 39 after falling from his balcony after drinking with friends

TV actor dies aged 39 after falling from his balcony after drinking with friends

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Brazilian soap opera actor Thommy Schiavo died early Saturday morning after falling from the second-floor balcony of his home in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.

Brazilian actor Thommy Schiavo has died aged 39 after falling from the balcony of his second-floor apartment.

Schiavo, who was best known for his role in network television soap operas, fell from the property in Cuiabá early Saturday morning, Mato Grosso Civil Police said.

Investigators reviewed the property’s surveillance cameras, which showed him sitting down and then lying down on the floor.

After several minutes on the ground, Schiavo got up but lost his balance and fell over the railing.

The married man, father of a child, fell to the ground from a height of about 4 metres and was found face down. He was declared dead at the scene.

Brazilian soap opera actor Thommy Schiavo died early Saturday morning after falling from the second-floor balcony of his home in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.

Thommy Schiavo acted in several soap operas produced and broadcast by the Brazilian television network TV Globo.

Thommy Schiavo acted in several soap operas produced and broadcast by the Brazilian television network TV Globo.

Schiavo had gone out with friends to drink at a local convenience store before returning to his two-story studio apartment.

Schiavo was known for demonstrating his acting talent on the Brazilian soap opera circuit.

His last performance was in the second season of Pantanal, which aired in 2021 on TV Globo. He played the role of João Zoinho, a cowboy.

According to Brazilian outlet G1, the production company also relied on Schiavo’s familiarity with horses to train the soap opera’s actors who did not know how to ride.

Brazilian actor Thommy Schiavo is believed to have died after losing his balance and falling from the balcony of his home on Saturday.

Brazilian actor Thommy Schiavo is believed to have died after losing his balance and falling from the balcony of his home on Saturday.

Schiavo’s father, Horácio Ramos, told TV Fronteira that his son had just finished filming a new soap opera when his friends called his brother-in-law to give him the sad news.

“It’s a painful moment, it hurts so much that there’s no way to explain it,” Ramos said. “We talked every day, every day it was ‘good morning, good afternoon,’ he would call me for anything, I would call him for anything. He was a very dear person.”

Schiavo graduated from drama school in Rio de Janeiro in 2006 before embarking on an acting career that saw him appear in four TV Globo soap operas, including Além de Tempo (Beyond Time) and Beleza Pura (Pure Beauty).

“Thommy was a fantastic person, loved by everyone,” Ramos said. “The people at Globo are in shock. He is a very loved person at Globo. He went there and won people over with his simple and humble way. Loved by everyone.”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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