Home Australia Tucker Carlson says he ‘can’t even guess’ who killed Navalny as Chris Cuomo slams him for softball questions to Putin during infamous interview – as fired Fox News host says nation deserves to know how many FBI agents were at January 6th riot

Tucker Carlson says he ‘can’t even guess’ who killed Navalny as Chris Cuomo slams him for softball questions to Putin during infamous interview – as fired Fox News host says nation deserves to know how many FBI agents were at January 6th riot

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Tucker Carlson told Chris Cuomo he 'can't even guess' who killed Alexei Navalny during a confrontational interview with Cuomo hitting Carlson for asking Vladimir Putin softball questions

Tucker Carlson told Chris Cuomo he ‘can’t even guess’ who killed Alexei Navalny during a confrontational interview with Cuomo, who hit Carlson for asking Vladimir Putin softball questions.

Cuomo will air the full interview with Carlson — frequent rivals during the Trump era when they hosted competing cable news shows — Monday night on News Nation.

While admitting Carlson shouldn’t have gotten “into a shouting match” with the Russian president, Cuomo still felt the former Fox News host could have gone harder and asked about Navalny.

“(You) made choices,” he said. “You didn’t ask about Navalny. You said, yes, all killers, all leaders kill. But don’t you feel that if you’re going to sit down with someone like that, you have to hold them accountable for things that matter, that the fact that he may have murdered someone or many people.’

Carlson responded by saying he held Putin responsible but claimed ‘Ukrainians say (Putin) didn’t kill Navalny’.

Tucker Carlson told Chris Cuomo he 'can't even guess' who killed Alexei Navalny during a confrontational interview with Cuomo hitting Carlson for asking Vladimir Putin softball questions

Tucker Carlson told Chris Cuomo he ‘can’t even guess’ who killed Alexei Navalny during a confrontational interview with Cuomo hitting Carlson for asking Vladimir Putin softball questions

Cuomo will air the full interview with Carlson — frequent rivals during the Trump era when they hosted competing cable news shows — Monday night on News Nation

Cuomo will air the full interview with Carlson — frequent rivals during the Trump era when they hosted competing cable news shows — Monday night on News Nation

Cuomo will air the full interview with Carlson — frequent rivals during the Trump era when they hosted competing cable news shows — Monday night on News Nation

Cuomo responded: ‘So who killed him? The guy looks good one minute, the next minute he’s dead.’

“In a larger sense, the Russian government, the Ukrainian government said he died of natural causes,” Carlson argued.

“Now, what’s really going on there, I can’t even guess.”

Ukraine’s top spy chief has claimed that Navalny may have ‘died of a blood clot’ amid widespread speculation that the outspoken Putin critic was murdered by Russian spies.

The pair also discussed Carlson’s coverage of the January 6 riot.

‘Your approach and other people’s approach, hey, it was just, you know, these guys were in the wrong place, the wrong way, but that’s all it was. I don’t agree with that. I think it was a ruckus,” Cuomo said.

“And I think they were way over the line, and I think they were motivated to go over the line, in part by the president of the United States.”

Carlson replied: ‘Parts of it were obviously a riot, but let me ask you a couple of questions, one is, why can’t we know how many federal agents were in the crowd and what they were doing there?’

The pair also discussed Carlson's coverage of the January 6 riot

The pair also discussed Carlson's coverage of the January 6 riot

The pair also discussed Carlson’s coverage of the January 6 riot

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1710198740 235 Tucker Carlson says he cant even guess who killed Navalny

Carlson was accused of “cherry-picking” footage of the January 6 riot

‘I’m fine with knowing. I love transparency. That’s the key to understanding,’ Cuomo replied.

Cuomo then lobbied that he ‘cherry-picked’ the tapes he played from that day to make those accused of crimes related to the Capitol riot appear sympathetic.

“I aired what they sent me,” Carlson replied, to which Cuomo again claimed he “cherry-picked” it.

Cuomo has been critical of Carlson’s interview with Putin, after clashing with Candace Owens about it on Patrick Bet-David’s podcast.

In the Carlson interview, when asked what the decisive moment was that decided him to launch his attack on Ukraine, Putin replied, “in the first place it was the coup in Ukraine” – referring to the removal of Zelensky’s predecessor Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

‘And what triggered the current events? First, the current Ukrainian leadership would not implement the Minsk agreements,’ Putin continued. The Minsk agreements were a series of treaties that sought to end the Donbas war between Ukraine and Russian separatist groups, signed in 2014.

He accused former leaders of Germany and France of reneging on their obligations under the accords.

1710198740 834 Tucker Carlson says he cant even guess who killed Navalny

1710198740 834 Tucker Carlson says he cant even guess who killed Navalny

While admitting that Carlson shouldn’t have ‘got into a shouting match’ with the Russian president, Cuomo still felt the former Fox News host could have gone harder and asked about Navalny

During his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin gave a 'historical background' to the conflict with Ukraine before defending his military's action

During his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin gave a 'historical background' to the conflict with Ukraine before defending his military's action

During his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin gave a ‘historical background’ to the conflict with Ukraine before defending his military’s action

1710198740 773 Tucker Carlson says he cant even guess who killed Navalny

1710198740 773 Tucker Carlson says he cant even guess who killed Navalny

When asked what the decisive moment was that decided him to launch his attack, Putin replied, “in the first place it was the coup in Ukraine” – referring to the removal of Zelensky’s predecessor Viktor Yanukovych in 2014

“They never intended to implement them, they simply led us by the nose,” he said.

‘You just asked me if another manager comes and changes something? It’s not about the leader, he said.

Putin sensationally claimed that a peace deal on the Ukraine war had once almost been agreed, blaming the ‘Western side’ for wanting to keep the war going as long as possible.

“We are willing to negotiate,” he said.

‘It’s the western side, and apparently Ukraine is a satellite state of the United States. It is obvious. I don’t want you to take it as if I’m looking for a strong word or an insult. But we both understand what is happening’.

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