Home Politics Trump’s shooting, conspiracies and calls for war

Trump’s shooting, conspiracies and calls for war

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Trump's shooting, conspiracies and calls for war

David Gilbert: But it’s a really interesting conspiracy because it’s based on what is possibly the biggest conspiracy in history: the fact that the moon landing was faked.

Leah Feiger: Oh, amazing. Good.

David Gilbert: Unless you don’t know, but there’s a new movie that came out called “Fly Me to the Moon,” starring Scarlett Johansson, Woody Harrelson, and Channing Tatum. And it’s about the efforts to sell the idea of ​​going to the Moon to the American people.

Leah Feiger: And I guess romance.

David Gilbert: I haven’t seen it, I don’t know. But there’s a part where they decide to build a fake moon landing just in case the real moon landing doesn’t happen. Just to be clear…

Leah Feiger: Oh no.

David Gilbert: …this didn’t happen, but it is the basis of some of the major conspiracy theories about the moon landing. This ties in with what I mentioned last week, about predictive programming. Moon landing conspiracy groups on the internet have exploded with claims that this is what really happened.

Leah Feiger: Oh God.

David Gilbert: So the moon landing conspiracy theory, which they just take away, it’s there all the time, all right. But somehow it’s come to life in the last week since this movie came out. And they’re absolutely convinced that NASA, or the US government, or somebody, or Nixon from beyond the grave is maybe telling them through this movie that what they believed all along is true and the moon landing is fake. But again, that’s not true.

Leah Feiger: Amazing. So good! Wow! Very good. I’m a big fan. Makena, what’s up?

Makena Kelly: Wow. Mine also revolves around a movie that just came out. So before the whole weekend went by, I was going to… What my husband and I love to do, if there’s nothing to do on a Saturday, we love to go to Chili’s and then go to the movies.

Leah Feiger: Oh my gosh. In fact, I have to tell our listeners that when I called you and said, “It looks like Trump got shot,” you said, “Okay, I’m leaving Chili’s now. I’ll be home in 10 minutes.” That’s arguably one of my favorite things you’ve ever said to me. Keep going.

Makena Kelly: So I had to cancel my tickets and ask for a refund. We were going to see Long Legs with Nick Cage.

Leah Feiger: Oh fun.

Makena Kelly: And this reminded me of an old conspiracy theory about Nick Cage, which said that he was born during the Civil War and is a vampire.

Leah Feiger: Oh my god. Wait, this isn’t real. This isn’t a real conspiracy.

Makena Kelly: No, it’s 100% real. 10 or 12 years ago, an antiques dealer found an old Civil War photograph of a guy who looked a lot like Nick Cage and went to the press and said, “Stop the presses. Nick Cage is a vampire.” And Nick Cage was forced to respond and say, “I don’t drink blood.” And yeah, that’s what I was reminded of this weekend.

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