Home US Trump volunteers ‘attacked’ by ‘far-left activists’ outside Kamala Harris’ speech in Philadelphia… before going to buy cheesesteaks

Trump volunteers ‘attacked’ by ‘far-left activists’ outside Kamala Harris’ speech in Philadelphia… before going to buy cheesesteaks

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Trump volunteers 'attacked' outside Kamala Harris' Philadelphia event before she ordered cheesesteaks

A group of Trump volunteers say they were confronted by a “deranged leftist” outside a union event attended by Vice President Kamala Harris while setting up a table with campaign literature.

Video taken by a volunteer shows a large man with sunglasses and gray hair who began yelling at the group as he walked his dog past the table.

“He’ll be in jail when he runs for president,” the man mocked.

“Fuck you,” a person behind the table responded.

Trump volunteers ‘attacked’ outside Kamala Harris’ Philadelphia event before she ordered cheesesteaks

‘Fuck you!’ The man responded and lunged at a volunteer, knocking bottles of water on the table before walking away with the dog, becoming increasingly agitated by the conflict.

Other photos from the event showed the Trump volunteer group’s tables overturned with campaign literature strewn across the street.

‘Outside Kamala’s event in Pennsylvania, far-left activists resorted to violence against Team Trump volunteers and overturned tables outside the venue,’ the Trump War Room social media account reported, demanding Biden and Harris denounce the violence That had place.

Trump’s team linked the attack to news that the Justice Department authorized a deadly force raid on the former president’s Florida club to recover classified documents in his possession.

“This comes as reports expose the FBI-authorized use of DEADLY FORCE against President Trump in the 2022 Mar-a-Lago raid,” Trump’s account posted with the hashtag #BidenAttacksDemocracy.

Biden’s campaign did not respond to the video.

Harris spoke at the Service Employees International Union on Wednesday and thanked them for their support.

“I think one of the most important signs of a leader’s character, and this is a room full of leaders, is people who have a sense of empathy, who care and care about the well-being of other people and do something. about it,’ he said.

After the event, Harris went to buy Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, a time-honored political tradition in Philadelphia.

Trump volunteers say his political opponents flipped their literature table

Trump volunteers say his political opponents flipped their literature table

Trump volunteers recover after someone allegedly overturned their table of campaign literature outside a Kamala Harris event

Kamala Harris orders cheesesteaks after political event in Philadelphia

Kamala Harris orders cheesesteaks after political event in Philadelphia

Harris spoke about his desire to boost small businesses during his visit to Jim’s West Original Steaks & Hoagies.

‘I want a cheesesteak, do you think I make it with provolone cheese?’ she asked the workers, laughing. ‘I think that’s fine, right? I can still leave here with respect.

She also ordered a cheesesteak for her husband Doug Emhoff, which restaurant workers recommended she eat with ‘cooper and whiz.’

During her speech to the SEIU, Harris condemned Trump for sharing a video that she said “highlighted the language of Nazi Germany.”

“This type of rhetoric is not surprising coming from the former president and it is appalling and we need to tell him who we are,” he said.

Harris reiterated her warning that Trump and his campaign were a threat to the country.

“This shows that our freedoms and our own democracy are at stake in the face of these attacks,” he said.

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