Home US Trump supporter’s harsh response when asked why he complains about the cost of living despite having an expensive boat

Trump supporter’s harsh response when asked why he complains about the cost of living despite having an expensive boat

Joe Harner attended the MAGA Boat Parade in Panama City, Florida, where he was interviewed by CNN correspondent Elle Reeve and asked about his concerns about the upcoming election.

A Trump supporter complained about how much the cost of living has increased under the Biden administration, but snapped when asked about the cost of his expensive boat.

The MAGA Boat Parade in Panama City, Florida, attracted many enthusiasts who could be seen driving luxury boats decorated with pro-Trump flags.

CNN correspondent Elle Reeve interviewed several attendees, one of whom didn’t appreciate what she had to ask him.

Reeve asked supporter Joe Harner what he thought was the “most important issue” regarding the upcoming election.

Joe Harner attended the MAGA Boat Parade in Panama City, Florida, where he was interviewed by CNN correspondent Elle Reeve and asked about his concerns about the upcoming election.

The supporter angrily told Reeve:

The supporter angrily told Reeve: “Listen, nobody’s given me anything. I’ve earned everything I have. I’m a retired military man, a retired industrialist, and I’m successful and I’m retired.”

Harner told Reeve that the economy was his biggest concern, including “getting interest rates down to a level where we can afford to live in America, which is too expensive right now.”

Reeve, however, noted that the cost of his boat must mean that the sponsor can live comfortably enough to also fund the maintenance and cost of the boat.

“I may be asking you a bit of a rude question, but if you can afford a boat, you’re not doing so badly, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and requires a lot of maintenance…” he said.

Harner, now frustrated, responded, “Listen, nobody gave me anything. I’ve earned everything I have. I’m a retired military man, a retired power manufacturer, and I’m successful and retired, with boats, jet skis, because I did it right and everybody has that opportunity.”

“Whether they choose it or not, that’s up to them,” he added.

Harner explained to Reeve his concerns about the economy and said he wants to make his money go further, and that applies to everyone.

Harner explained to Reeve his concerns about the economy and said he wants his money to go further, and that applies to everyone. “Not just me, not just the poor, not just the rich, that applies to everyone,” he said.

Reeve then let Harner know that he would “never try to take anything away from him like that,” but added, “I think it’s interesting that people who are a little bit more comfortable are still so concerned about the economy.”

“I want my money to go further, I want inflation to go down, I want interest rates to go back down. I want all of that, but that includes everyone who participates in the economy,” Harner said.

He continued: “Not just me, not just the poor, not just the rich, that includes everyone.”

Reeve then asked if Harner was also concerned about his children not being able to afford a house or a car.

Harner said he had “trained” his children “properly,” adding: “They have excellent educations and are both successful.”

The comments below the video focused mainly on the gentleman complaining about the economy while partying on his boat.

One person wrote: “The problem is the economy, people can’t afford to live. The guy is taking the day off to drink on his boat on the lake. You can’t make something like that up.”

“Wait, these guys can afford to buy boats and they’re saying the economy is bad? WHAT HYPOCRISY!” said another.

Other commenters defended him, with one saying: “The Democrats in this comment section hate the American dream. This man worked so hard to get his boat and they attack him because he wants others to have the same opportunities.”

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